- Shanghai Rail Transit Line 7 is an important route in the planned base network of Shangahi Rail Transit, also a trunkline to directly serve the Shanghai World Expo 2010. The planning and construction of this line has its important significance. 上海轨道交通7号线工程是上海轨道交通路网规划基本网络中的一条重要线路, 也是直接为2010上海世博会服务的一条主要线路,线路的规划建设具有重要意义。
- In this paper, MCGS based network monitoring system designed to achieve. 本文论述了基于MCGS网络监控系统的设计实现。
- DXC based network is an effective method to improve the reliablity of fiber network. 建设以DXC为基础的网络是提高光缆干线传输网生存性、可用性的有效方法。
- Port Base Network Access Control Protocol 基于端口的访问控制协议
- The system consists of a fibre based network backbone providing a decentralized infrastructure for your live audio and intercom applications. 系统由基于光纤的骨干网络组成,提供了分布式的结构,用于直播音频或者内部通话应用。
- In order to implement Web based network management,it is necessary to turn CMIP/SNMP based network management protocols into Web based ones. 为了实现基于Web 的网管,就必须实现现有的基于CMIP/SNMP( 公共管理信息协议/ 简单网络管理协议) 的网管协议向基于Web 的网管协议的迁移。
- At present, in the TCP/IP protocol based network, there are several ways to determine the next hop of a terminal to its IP destination. 在基于TCP/IP协议的网络中,目前有多种办法来决定终端到其目的IP的下一跳。
- To clear the method from the supply chain of apparel,in the end of the article generalizing the advantage of the custom tailor system based network. 从服装企业供应链的角度阐述各环节的具体实施方案,最后总结网络服装定制系统在服装制造业中的优势。
- Data flow through a routed IP based network, involves data moving across traffic management devices at Layers 1, 2, and 3 of the OSI model. 资料流通经一个被绕送IP为基准的网路,牵涉到经过OSI模式中的第1、2和3层的讯务管理设备的资料移动。
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- Each method offering QoS have their own strong points in IP based network . Combining them and Complementing each other can offer better end-to-end QoS. 在IP网上提供QoS能力的方法各有所长,将他们结合使用,相辅相成可以提供更好的端到端的QoS能力。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- You cannot enter a military base without a permit. 无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。
- WANG R C,BIAN Z A,XU X L.The study of integrated system model to the mobile-agent based network management platform[J].Journal on Communications,2004,25(3):82-90. [3]王汝传;卞正皑;徐小龙.;基于移动代理网管平台的集成化系统模型研究[J]
- Her heavy industry rests on a broad and firm base. 它的重工业有广泛坚实的基础。
- He caught me off base with that question. 他的问题猝然把我给问倒了。
- The bombers swooped on the air base. 轰炸机突袭空军基地。
- Many languages have Latin as their base. 许多语言都以拉丁语为基础。
- A method of realizing unification authentication based network is introduced. Through installed customizing GRUB in all hosts,it can accomplish user authentication before booting OS. 提出一种利用引导加载程序实现统一网络认证的方法,通过在各计算机上安装专门定制的grub引导加载程序,在引导操作系统之前完成基于网络的用户认证。
- His base conduct was condemned by everyone. 他的无耻行为受到所有人的谴责。