- The place was flooded with light. 那地方十分光亮。
- The coppersmith faced the iron bar with copper. 这铜匠把铜涂在铁条上。
- A bar with adjustable weights at each end, lifted for sport or exercise. 杠铃两端重量可调节的棒,运动或锻炼时用来举重
- Arsenal attack, Ian Wright hit bar with a header. 阿森纳队进攻,伊安赖特一个头球击在了球门横杆上。
- The palace was ablaze with lights. 那座宫殿灯火辉煌。
- Inside, the crimson room bloomed with light. 室内,那间绊红色的屋子灯火辉煌。
- Button Bar It's a bar with buttons! Cool! 这是一个优秀的按钮条!
- I shot pool at the bar with her last night. 我昨天晚上和她在酒吧里打撞球。
- To provide or brighten with light. 照明,照亮给予光亮或用光使发亮
- Arsenal attack,Ian Wright hit Bar with a header. 阿森纳队进攻,伊安赖特一个头球击在了球门横杆上。
- You shall finish off with light vertical strokes. 收尾时要竖直轻刷。
- A rolled metal bar with a bracket-shaped section. 金属棒有弧状部分的弯曲的金属棒或条。
- We touch a switch to flood a room with light. 我们打开电灯开关使室内灯光明亮。
- She steeled herself with light laugh. 她轻笑一声狠下心来。
- I played darts at the bar with a few friends. 我在酒吧和一些朋友玩飞镖。
- The sky overhead throbbed and pulsed with light. 天色瞬息万变。
- Zeal without knowledge is fire with light. (热情而无知,犹如有火不发光。)
- Treading with light and nimble ease. 脚步轻快、轻盈的
- The room was flooded with light. 室内一片灯光。
- It is a residential city with light industries. 它是一座拥有轻工业的居住城市。