- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
- baptize sb. 给某人施洗
- Is it allowed to baptize babies? 婴孩可受洗吗?
- I baptize you with water for repentance. 我用水给你们施洗,叫你们悔改。
- He will baptize you in the Holy Spirit and fire. 他将用圣神和火来给你们授洗。
- "I baptize you with water for repentance. 我是用水给你们施洗,叫你们悔改。
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 颂扬并崇拜某人。
- No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats. 无论你怎么尝试,你都无法为猫施洗礼。
- As an interested party (ie sb likely to profit), I was not allowed to vote. 因为其中有我的利益,所以我不得投票。
- Adventure excites Helen Thayer. (sth. excite sb. 探险可以令海伦.;瑟儿兴奋莫名。
- Knock [wallop] the(living)daylights out of sb. 将某人打得脑袋开花
- He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire. 他将以圣灵和火为你们施洗。
- Pledge the health [success] of sb. 为某人的健康[成功]而干杯
- Take the mike[mickey, micky] out of sb. [英口]取笑某人,戏弄[挖苦]某人;杀某人的威风
- Inflict [take, wreak] vengeance(up) on sb. 对。。。报仇[雪恨]
- Tighten the noose around [round] the neck of sb. 拉紧某人脖子上的绞索
- Lick the fat from the beard of sb. [废]先发制人,使别人无法取得成果或利益
- Take judicial proceedings against sb. 提出诉讼控告某人
- Take over [inherit] the mantle of sb. 继承某人的衣钵
- Beat [knock, scare] the bejabbers out of sb. 狠狠揍某人一顿