- The new secretary found working under him a real baptism of fire. 那位新秘书发觉,在他手下工作是很不好过的)。
- The job's my baptism of fire. 这活对我真是一次严峻的考验。
- Leon received his baptism of fire in a naval battle when he was eighteen years old. 利昂18岁时有了第一次海战的经历。
- John has become a traffic policeman now and his first day of work will be a baptism of fire. 现在约翰已经成为交通警察了,他第一天上岗将是一次严峻的考验。
- Her first day in the job was a real baptism of fire because she had to deal with a very difficult case immediately. 从事这项工作的第一天她就经受了一场严峻的考验,因为她得立即处理一件非常棘手的事情。
- It experienced the baptism of fire during bridge gains and crossing of the Maas, Waal and Rhine rivers. 它真正接受战火的洗礼是在跨越马斯河,瓦尔河和莱茵河的作战中。
- It has been about half a year since I graduated. Now I found working in the society is a real baptism of fire and my rea life is just starting. 光影时代是免费的个人网站,所有资料仅供学习者免费参考试用。如资料损害了您的权益,请与我们联系。
- Baptism of fire. 炮火的洗礼。
- Spalletti has had something of a baptism of fire during his spell in the Eternal City, which has been characterised by internal squabbling, a long list of injuries to key players and underachievement. 斯帕莱蒂上任以来,他在永恒之城接受了如同战火般的洗礼:这其中包括来自国内的种种争论以及一长串的主力队员伤病名单,还有成绩的不尽人意。
- Enameling the-blanks after the baptism of fire kiln, a slight temperature differences in the fire, a glazed tile kiln will be showing a different color, has a good waterproof and stability. 上釉的素坯经过窑火的洗礼,火温稍有差异,出窑的琉璃瓦便呈现出不同的色彩,具有良好的防水性和稳定性。
- I do not want to be in the boss line of fire today. 今天我不想遭到老板的非难。
- a young teacher facing her baptism of fire 面对初登讲台考验的年轻女教师.
- Press this button in case of fire. 遇火灾时按下此钮。
- His speech was full of fire and fury. 他的讲话充满愤懑之情。
- The baptism of John, whence was it? 25约翰的洗礼是从那里来的。
- The fire-alarm is giving warning of fire. 报警器正发出火警警报。
- This is not the baptism of the Bible. 这不是圣经中说的洗礼。
- Baptism of fire I've watched all your suffering 我能看到你心中的煎熬
- This is the baptism of Bible times. 这就是圣经时代洗礼的意思。
- The boy is full of fire and courage. 这男孩充满激情和勇气。