- Based on theory of aesthetic informatics, the beauty of artistic conception of bamboo landscape w s discussed.The general course of information production, spread and incept were analyzed. 以美学信息学理论探讨竹类植物景观的意境美, 分析了意境美信息生产、传播、接收和解释原理及其一般过程。
- potted ornamental bamboo landscape 观赏竹盆景
- The Park has more than 100 famous ornamental varieties, the large and medium-sized independent contractors bamboo Landscaping. 本园拥有100余个著名的观赏品种,可独立承办大中型的竹林造景。
- A Study on Artistic Means of Bamboo Landscape Design in Ancient Garden 古典园林竹子造景的艺术手法
- The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane. 大自然的景色展现在快速飞行的飞机之下。
- Hill and woods diversify the landscape. 山陵和树林点缀景色。
- This armchair is made of bamboo. 这个扶手椅是用竹子做成的。
- This landscape is disfigured by a power station. 风景被发电厂破坏了。
- The landscape was grey and stark. 景色灰暗荒凉。
- I do not think we have any vase make of bamboo. 我想我们没有竹制的花瓶。
- The whole landscape looked as flat as a pancake. 整个地形十分平坦。
- That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。
- This bamboo basket is my own work. 这只竹篮是我自己编的。
- Those bamboo beams will not bear. 这几根竹制的横梁承受不住压力。
- Many things are made out of bamboo. 很多东西是由竹子做出的。
- She continued her survey of the landscape. 她继续眺望景色。
- She preferred a good landscape to a portrait. 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。
- Some furniture is made of bamboo. 有些家俱是竹制的。
- The landscape unfolded before us. 那景色展现在我们面前。
- I prefer landscape to still life. 我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。