- ball bearing noise 滚珠轴承噪声
- Deep groove ball bearing is a bearing. 深沟球轴承是轴承的一种。
- A ball bearing had bounced off the submarine's hull. 潜艇船身上崩掉了一个滚珠轴承。
- This electronically controlled machinery with ball bearing drive features convenience,stability and reliability in operation,low noise,novelappearance and rational construction. 本机采用机电结合,滚动轴承传动,运转平稳,动作可靠,噪音较小,外型设计新颖,合理,操作方便。
- Test Method for Low-Temperature Torque of Ball Bearing Greases (05. 滚珠轴承润滑脂的低温扭矩的试验方法(05。
- Any misalignment will result in increased bearing noise and reduced bearing service life. 任何不对中都会导致轴承噪音升高及使用寿命缩短。
- What's the object of using ball bearings? 使用滚珠轴承的目的何在?
- The ball bearings reduce the friction on the joint. 滚珠可以减小结合处的摩擦。
- Ball bearing unit is with excellent running precision and easy re-greasing. 带座外球面轴承具有良好的旋转精度,可方便的再润滑。
- One slecve and one ball bearing life expectance:30,000 hours minimum. 一个含油轴承和一个滚珠轴承预期寿命:至少30,000小时。
- The bearing noise is not critical as long as the operating temperature of the bearing is net yet reached and if the noise is caused by the dynamic viscosity of the bearing grease. 轴承发出的噪音只要是由轴承润滑油的动态粘滞性引起且没有达到轴承工作温度就不会刺耳。
- Film Roll is held in place, top and bottom, with Ball Bearing Chucks. 薄膜卷固定在适当的位置,顶部和底部有滚动轴承夹头。
- Self-aligning ball bearing is a species of crane accessories equipment. 调心球轴承是种起重机配件设备。
- Thrust ball bearing is separable bearing and only can be subject to axial load. 推力球轴承为可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向载荷。
- Remove the handle knob and apply a few drops of oil to the ball bearing. 把手柄的胶粒拉开然后在培林位置注入一至两滴新的润滑油。
- Permanently sealed and lubricated ball bearings front and rear. 前后端盖装有永久密封和自润滑的滚珠轴承。
- In order to provide low noise and good highspeed operation it is normal to apply an axial preload to a bearing arrangement comprising two hybrid deep groove ball bearings. 为能提供低噪音高速运转性能,通常要对含有两个混合陶瓷深沟球轴承的轴承组合施加一个轴向预负荷。
- There are electromagnetic, mechanical and aerodynamic noises chiefly. It is motor bearing noise that has most problems and is most difficult to solve. 电机噪声的主要类型有电磁噪声、机械噪声、空气动力噪声等,其中出现问题最多的、最不好解决的是机械噪声中的电机轴承噪声。
- The object of using ball bearings is to reduce the friction. 使用滚球轴承的目的在于减少磨擦。