- A storm rose, and we had to bale out our boat. 下起了暴风雨,我们不得不舀出船里的水。
- bale handler 草捆堆垛机
- He was returned full of enthusiasm for Handler College. 归来时充满着对汉德勒学院的热情。
- RPC from core client to file upload handler. 从核心服务器到文件上传处理模块的远程过程调用。
- We found every bale weigh short. 我们发现每包重量都不够。
- The signal handler cannot be set. 无法设置信号处理程序。
- A metal band around the bale of cotton. 捆绕棉包的金属带
- We find every bale weighs short. 我们发现每包重量都不够。
- A storm rose,and we had to bale out our boat. 下起了暴风雨,我们不得不舀出船里的水。
- The name of the handler method that will be called. 要调用的处理程序方法的名称。
- Gets an event handler for data binding. 获取数据绑定的事件处理程序。
- We find every bale weighs short . 我们发现每包重量都不够。
- Deploy the handler class in the gateway. 在网关部署处理器类。
- We hand an order for: 100 bale, sheep skin. 兹寄上订单一份:“100包羊皮。”
- The code for an HTTP handler class. 一个HTTP处理程序类的代码。
- Connect an event handler to the KeyPress event. 事件定义一个事件处理程序。
- Winter is worn, that was the flower's bale. 危害花儿成长的冬天已消磨掉。
- Don't worry. They'll be bale to handle it. 别担心,他们会处理的。
- Make the TLD file and handler classes accessible. 使TLD文件和处理程序类可访问。
- Handler runs to allow you to do any clean-up work. 处理程序,从而使您可以执行任何清除工作。