- They provide poor baking quality. 它们的焙烤特性都不理想。
- A higher content of gluten will not guarantee good baking quality. 但较高面筋含量的面团也不一定能保证具有良好的焙烤特性。
- The higher the volume of the sedimented gluten, the better should be the baking quality of the flour. 沉积的面筋量越多,该面粉的焙烤特性截止好。
- Flour baking quality is positively correlated to the content of polar lipids, particularly glycolipids. 面粉的焙烤品质同极性脂类的含量成正相关,尤其是糖脂。
- The protein content of Jinsong 5 is 15.45% and its baking quality is assessed as excel-lent with bread score over 90. 它的蛋白质含量为15.;45%25;面包烘烤性能好;可做优质面包。
- Baking quality of the cake and cookie was mainly influenced by gluten strength and gluten content. 蛋糕和酥饼品质受面筋含量和面团强度的强烈影响。
- The effect of different additive on flour farinogram and baking quality of different quality flour was involved. 探讨了应用不同添加剂对不同质量的面粉粉质曲线和烘焙品质的影响。
- Some improver play important roles in enhancing the baking quality of the wheat flour. 添加一定的添加剂可改善小麦粉的烘焙品质。
- Straight forward and reliable information about the baking quality of a flour is obtained from baking tests under standardized conditions. 有关一种面粉的焙烤特性的直接的与可靠的信息是由在标准条件下所进行的焙烤试验获得的。
- Baking tests were made on the effects of two kinds of proteins and emusifiers on the technology and baking quality of bread, cracker and cake. 通过焙烤试验,本文研究了两种大豆蛋白和两种乳化剂对面包、饼干、蛋糕制作工艺、焙烤品质的影响;
- The best addition amount of soybean power degreased was 5%, much or less of adding would decrease baking quality of the bread. 少量添加时可以改善面包的加工特性,添加量5%25为宜,过量添加将对面包的烘焙品质有影响。
- High molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits, as one of the seed storage proteins in wheat, its composition and amount have a profound influence on the baking quality of wheat. 高分子量麦谷蛋白是成熟小麦种子中的主要贮藏蛋白之一,其组成和数量可直接影响普通小麦的品质。
- Applying K2SO4 basal fertilizer, spraying urea in early filling stage and spraying Fengyousu after an-thesis can increase its yield and improve baking quality. 基肥施硫酸钾、灌浆初期喷尿素和开花期喷丰优素对提高产量和改善面包烘焙品质都有促进作用;
- In this paper the feasibility of adding lysine as a food additive has been discussed by probing into its influences on flour quality,baking quality and aging of bread during storage. 通过探讨赖氨酸对面粉粉质、面包焙烤品质以及面包贮存过程中老化程度的影响,研究了赖氨酸作为面包添加剂的可行性。
- The scientific demonstration of improving baking quality and enriching natural nutrition of patent flour by means of the rich nutritious constituent of wheat aleurone layer tissue. 本文从小麦籽实糊粉层细胞组织具有丰富的营养成分方面进行了分析;对改良和强化优质面粉烘焙品质及保持天然营养成分进行了科学的论证。
- The improvement of the wheat flour baking quality 小麦粉烘焙品质的改良
- Effect of Enzyme on Baking Quality of Wheat Flour 酶对面粉烘焙品质影响
- My father is a dab hand at baking bread. 做面包是我父亲的拿手好戏。
- I often bake chocolate cake by myself. 我喜欢自己培巧克力蛋糕。
- The bread is baking in the oven. 烤箱里正在烤面包。