- Be careful what you're doing. If you stumble against that table you'll upset the whole bag of tricks. 你要当心,要是你撞在桌子上,那上面的全部摆设就会被撞翻。
- I like to refer to it as a bag of tricks. 我认为应该把它当成是雕虫小技。
- My car broke down.Let me see what I have got in my bag of tricks. 我的车抛锚了。让我瞧瞧工具箱里带了些什么。
- Please may I borrow your bag of tricks so that I can service my car at home. 请把你所有的工具借给我,这样我就可在家里检修我的汽水车了。
- Hotel managers are using a whole new bag of tricks to attract their guests. 旅馆经理们正采用一整套新措施吸引顾客。
- They had exhausted their bag of tricks in their attempts to lobby the legislature. 他们使出浑身解数,企图游说立法机关。
- Be careful not to stumble against that table, or you'll upset the whole bag of tricks. 当心不要撞在那张桌子上,否则,会打翻上面的全部摆设。
- Without resorting to expensive, esoteric goggle peripherals, designers are left with a small bag of tricks with which to conquer this problem. 设计师们没有求助于昂贵而神秘的眼镜外围设备,而是用一些技巧来解决这些问题。
- Be careful not to stumble against that table,or you'll upset the whole bag of tricks. 当心不要撞在那张桌子上,否则,会打翻上面的全部摆设。
- I didn't know what tools were available on the premises,so I've brought the whole bag of tricks with me. 我事先不清楚都需要些什么工具,所以我把所有的工具都带来了。
- Well,you've tried the whole bag of tricks,you see,and matters remain just as they were. 你看,你一切方法都试过了,可问题依然没有解决。
- To incorporate XML in your own software projects, you re going to want to have two sets of tools in your bag of tricks. 要将XML合并到自己的软件项目中,在您的工具箱里应该有两套工具。
- Please take the bag of trash to the garbage can. 请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
- If you record a lot of vocals, or do voiceover work, these powerhouse processors offer a really deep bag of tricks. 我看著今天的电影,好想开开心心的 - 我们总不时想看一些疯狂喜剧 - 但却就是不行。根本就毫无裨益可言,毫无启发性。
- This ability is constantly active and can not only manipulate objects but also use magic items like wands, staffs, rods, and some wondrous items (like a bag of tricks). 该能力持续生效,不但能操控物件,还能使用魔法物品,如魔杖、法杖、权杖和某些奇物(比如便利袋)。
- However, SNB’s Roth has made it clear that the bank would reach deep into their bag of tricks to stop the financial turmoil from hurting the Swiss economy. 然而,瑞士央行总裁罗思已明确表示,该银行将会尽全力以阻止金融风暴继续拖累瑞士经济。
- He's pulling some sort of trick. 他不定在耍什麽花招。
- He planked his heavy bag of on the table. 他将沉重的书袋放在桌子上。
- Such a limping bag of bones as she was! 她竟然是个骨瘦如柴的跛子。
- He brought me a bag of almond paste. 他给我带来一袋杏仁软糖。