- The baby was badly bitten by mosquitoes. 这婴儿被蚊子叮得很厉害。
- We were badly bitten by mosquitoes. 我们被蚊子咬得不行。
- He was badly bitten by the mosquitoes. 他被蚊子咬得很厉害。
- He was badly bitten by the mosquitoes . 他被蚊子咬得很厉害。
- Was bitten by mosquito, how does skin allergy do? 被蚊子叮了,皮肤过敏怎么办?
- badly bitten by mosquitoes 被蚊子叮得很厉害
- After I went swimming, I had bitten by mosquito from head to toe. 我去游泳后,全身都给蚊子咬了。
- Be bitten by mosquito, flinch defeated, how to leave scar to do? 被蚊子叮到,挠破了,留下疤怎么办?
- He put up a mosquito-curtain in order not to be bitten by mosquitoes. 他挂起了蚊帐,以免蚊虫叮咬。
- What method can make the skin that has been bitten by mosquito not urticant? 有什么方法能让被蚊子咬过的皮肤不痒呢?
- Bill was beating a big beast with his big fist and his big fist was badly bitten by the big beast at last. 比尔用他的大拳头打了一只巨兽,结果他的大拳头被巨兽严重咬伤。
- With water of what drive midge need not be darling bitten by mosquito? 宝宝用什么驱蚊水可以不被蚊子咬?
- Bill beat a big beast with his big fist and his big fist was badly bitten by the big beast at last. 比尔用他的大拳头打了一只巨兽,结果他的拳头被巨兽严重咬伤。
- The parasites that cause malaria enter people's blood when they are bitten by mosquitoes that carry the organism. 当蚊子叮咬人是时导致疟疾的寄生虫进入到人体的血液中。
- People get chikungunya fever when they are bitten by mosquitoes infected with the disease. 当人们被染有基孔肯雅病毒的蚊子叮咬后会患上基孔肯雅病。
- He was badly bitten by the mosquitoes 他被蚊子咬得很厉害。
- Lactation was bitten by mosquito, whether wipe toilet water, in can permeating milk, was eaten by darling? 哺乳期被蚊子咬了,能否抹花露水,会不会渗透到奶水中,被宝宝吃了?
- Was summer bitten by mosquito the scar like staying to resemble ormosia how take out bifurcation? 夏天被蚊子咬了留了像红豆一样的疤怎么去掉丫?
- Darling was bitten by mosquito bag, was caught to defeat by herself, what tweak stops itch? 宝宝被蚊子咬了包,都被她自己抓破了,有什么好办法止痒吗?
- Next bleb can stay the following day after my child has been bitten by mosquito, how should treat? 我的孩子被蚊子咬过后第二天会留下一个水泡,要怎么治疗?