- Any accounts receivable, proved and confirmed to be definitely uncollectible, shall be recognized as bed debts and written off against provision for bad debts or charged to current profit or loss as bad debts loss, if such provision is not set up. 经确认无法收回的应收帐款,已提坏帐准备金的,应当冲销坏帐准备金;未提坏帐准备金的,应当作为坏帐损失,计入当期损益。
- Analysis on the check method of the bad debts loss in the hospital 浅析医院坏账损失的核算方法
- Methods for the enterprises to estimate bad debt losses and its application 企业估计坏账损失的方法及应用
- He included some bad debts among his assets. 他把一些呆账也算在他的财产中。
- Differences between Accounting Treatment and Tax Treatment for Bad Debt Losses in Companies with Foreign Investment 外商投资企业坏账损失会计与税法的处理差异
- Notice on Issues Regarding Tax Treatment of Bad Debt Losses of Foreign Invested Enterprises in Telecommunications Industry 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业从事电信业务所发生的坏账损失税务处理问题的通知
- Circular of the State Administration of Taxation of the People's Republic of China, on Tax Treatment of Bad Debt Losses Incurred from Foreign-funded Telecom Enterprises 国家税务总局关于外商投资企业从事电信业务所发生的坏账损失税务处理问题的通知
- The company was drowned in bad debts. 这家公司被坏账所压倒。
- bad debts losses [经] 呆(坏)帐损失
- Insight to Formation Mechanism and Countermeasure of the Bad Debt Loss Rate: Based on the Multi-Stage Dynamic Game Model 基于多阶段态博弈模型的中国外贸高坏账率形成机理及对策研究
- Out of the profit, the company have retain50,000 as provision against bad debt. 公司从利润中留出50000英镑以对付呆(坏)帐。
- Collecting bad debts is often a difficult affair. 收呆帐往往是件棘手的事。
- The company had make a $2m provision for bad debt. 公司拿出200万美元以应付呆账的发生。
- The company had write off 30.000p in bad debt. 该公司已注销了三万英镑的呆帐。
- Does this include provision for bad debts? 这栏应否包括坏帐准备?
- The biggest worry for banks is bad debts. 银行最担心的坏帐。
- But late payments can also signal bad debts. 但是延迟付款同样标志坏帐产生。
- bad debt losses 坏账损失
- The bank have make a 2m provision for bad debt . 银行提供200万英镑作为坏帐准备。
- She was excellent at recovering bad debt. 她在坏账回收方面非常出色。