- Setting up AMC to deal with the bad asset is the best method. (2) 分析化解政策性不良资产的方法。
- The last part suggests suitable models of bad asset securitization in China. 其次,是我国经济环境对不良资产证券化的需求和支持。
- Firstly the paper concretely discusses the steps of bad asset securitization, analyses the crux points in every step. 从上述两个方面得出不良资产证券化在中国是可行的结论。
- This paper argues that the falling asset prices caused a mass of bad assets, which had counteracted the effects of the two policies. 本文认为,泡沫危机后日本资产价格的持续下跌,导致各经济主体出现大全的不良资产,抵消了以上两大政策的经济效应。
- Bad assets of Chinese central banks are caused by refinancing of the banks. 摘要央行不良资产主要是央行再贷款形成的。
- Set up in 1999, the Asset Management Corporation of Great Wall, Cinda, Huarong, Dongfang had acquisition the bad assets of Chinese national commercial banks. 我国在1999年成立了长城、信达、华融、东方四家资产管理公司,分别接收了中国农业银行、中国建设银行和国家开发银行、中国工商银行、中国银行所剥离的不良资产。
- The four financial asset management companies, set up as part of the reform to dispose of bad assets of the state-owned commercial banks, selected 580 eligible large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises for their debt-to-equity reform. 结合国有商业银行集中处理不良资产的改革,成立四家金融资产管理公司,确定对符合条件的580户国有大中型企业实施债权转股权。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。
- The forth part is the experiences of disposing bank bad assets at home and abroad. 第四部分为国内外银行不良资产处置与经验借鉴。
- As they are preparing for going public, the commercial banks arehindered by their high level of bad assets rate. 随着商业银行上市热潮的出现,不良资产率过高成为阻碍其发展的一大障碍,要使其成功上市以取得进一步发展,剥离其不良资产成为迫切需要,金融资产管理公司就是在这种情况下建立的。
- Banking crises is that burst of bubbles results into a lot of bad assets of banking and the payment crises of banking. 银行业危机是指由于金融泡沫破灭而导致银行业产生大量不良资产,从而使得银行业出现支付危机而形成的。
- Pan Gongsheng has not disclosed the bad assets peeling concrete digit at the press conference. 潘功胜在新闻发布会上没有透露不良资产剥离的具体数字。
- In particular, South Korean banks built up strong capital-solvency ratios and fended off bad assets. 尤其应指出的一点是,韩国银行曾建立过较高的资本-偿债率,并对不良资产层层设防。
- In the “bad bank” model, the government may overpay for the bad assets, whose true value is uncertain. “坏账银行”模式,由于不良资本的真实价值不确定,政府容易买贵了。
- Her only asset is a gentle nature. 她唯一的长处就是性格温柔。
- "The issue now that is most important are the bad assets, and recapitalizing the banks," he said in a statement. “现在最重要的问题是资产不足和调整银行资本,”佐利克在一个电文中指出。
- In particular, the plan did not establish how to value the bad assets that are cluttering up bank balance sheets. 尤其重要的是,该份计划没有说明该如何为堆满银行资产负债表的坏资产进行估值。
- His chief asset is his winning smile. 他的主要资本是那迷人的微笑。
- Her one priceless asset is her unflappability. 她有一点是非常难能可贵的,就是她遇事冷静。
- In stock assets, broken down bad assets and customers, develop specific invigorated programme. 在存量资产上,细分不良资产和客户,研究制定具体盘活方案。