- The bacterial cells are rendered competent. 使细菌细胞变成感受态。
- To subject(a bacterial cell) to transformation. 转变使(一个细菌细胞)发生转化
- A bacterial cell into which genetic material has been transduced. 转导体基因材料转导后形成的细菌细胞
- How do antibiotics kill bacterial cells but not human cells? 抗生素为何只杀死细菌,而不会杀死人类细胞?
- Shrinkage or contraction of the protoplasm away from the wall of a living plant or bacterial cell, caused by loss of water through osmosis. 胞质皱缩通过渗透作用由于缺水引起的活植细胞或细菌的细胞质的皱缩或收缩,并与细胞壁分离
- The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed. 原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜
- A convoluted invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane in some bacterial cells. 中间体某些细菌细胞中细胞质膜的回旋内陷
- Unfortunately, hypochlorite damages not just bacterial cells, but ours as well. 不幸的是,次氯酸钠破坏的不仅仅是细菌,也包括人体细胞。
- Transfer of genetic material or characteristics from one bacterial cell to another by a bacteriophage or plasmid. 转导作用通过噬菌或质料把基因材料或特征从一种病菌细胞转到另一种病菌细胞。
- The temporary union of two bacterial cells during which one cell transfers part or all of its genome to the other. 两个细菌的短暂的结合,其间一个细胞的基因组会部分或全部地转移到另一个细胞中
- A toxin produced by certain bacteria and released upon destruction of the bacterial cell. 内毒素由某些特定细菌产生并在该细菌细胞裂变时释放出来的一种毒素
- Once set, the gelatin surface was seeded by picking up a minute quantity of bacterial cells on a platinum needle. 固态化后,用一白金丝蘸取小量细菌细胞接种在明胶表面上。
- These are replicated individually in bacterial cells to produce a library of different DNA clones. 它们各自在细菌细胞内复制,产生不同的DNA克隆的“文库”。
- In transduction genetic material is transferred from one bacterial cell to another by a phage vector. 在转导中遗传物质从一个细菌细胞传给另一个细菌细胞是从噬菌体为媒介的。t
- Bacteria are less affected by the osmotic effect of salt than animal cells because bacterial cell walls are less permeable. 细菌比动物细胞更少受到盐的渗透作用的影响,因细菌的细胞壁不大有渗透性。
- Most bacterial cell walls contain a macromolecule called peptidoglycan, which human cells do not make or need. 多数细菌的细胞壁含有一种叫做‘肽聚糖’的高分子,人类细胞则不生产和需要这种物质。
- And then we applied the purified protein exogenously to bacterial cells, and their survival rate was observed. 将此蛋白质作用于不同细菌,测试作用不同时间下的细菌存活率。
- To perform the simple staining procedure to compare morphological shapes and arrangements of bacterial cells. 进行简单染色程序,比较细菌细胞的形态形状与排列。
- Unfortunately for the bacteria, gallium can't function like iron once it's inside bacterial cells. 对细菌来说非常不幸的是,当镓被摄入细菌细胞内后不能像铁元素那样发挥作用。”
- Because most of the microbes are bacteria, and bacterial cells are generally much smaller than animal cells. 因为大多数微生物是细菌,细菌的细胞一般比动物细胞小的多。