- He lined out for home without a backward glance. 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- He walked away without a backward glance. 他头也不回地扬长而去。
- She strode past him without a backward glance. 她大步从他身边走过,都没有回头瞧他一眼。
- Without a backward glance, he walked away. 他头也不回地走了。
- I was leaving without a qualm, without a single backward glance. 我走得于心无愧,义无反顾。
- I had given her one last backward glance before finally departing. 在最后分手之前,我回头看了她最后一眼。
- All the townspeople fled for their life,giving not so much as a backward glance at their burning town. 城里所有的人都逃命去了,对他们那正燃烧着的城市甚至都没有回头再看一眼。
- Aegeus hastily embraced his wife and son, and without a backward glance he departed to his ship. 埃勾斯匆匆地拥抱了妻子和儿子,然后头也不回地向船走去。
- All the townspeople fled for their life, giving not so much as a backward glance at their burning town. 城里所有的人都逃命去了,对他们那正燃烧着的城市甚至都没有回头再看一眼。
- We know that this is so,but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more. 我们明白这一点,但是往往只是在我们蓦然回首忆及往事,然后突然意识到好景已不在时,才会对此深有体会。
- We know that this is so, but all too often we recognize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what was and then suddenly realize that it is no more. 我们明白这一点,但是往往只是在我们蓦然回首忆及往事,然后突然意识到好景已不在时,才会对此深有体会。
- We know that this is so,but all too often we recogenize this truth only in our backward glance when we remember what it was and then suddenly realize that it is no more. 我们知道事情就是这样,但是大多数时候,只有在我们回首往事,想起它的过去,突然意识到它已经不在是过去的样子,我们才会明白这个真理。
- With a reluctant backward glance the well-disciplined child held to her nurse's hand and was pulled out the door, just as Tom came back, preceding four gin rickeys that clicked full of ice. 很懂规矩的小孩依依不舍地回头看了一眼,抓着保姆的手,就被拉到门外去,正好汤姆回来,后面跟着四杯杜松子利克酒,里面装满了冰块喀嚓作响。
- Pre-war prejudice, occupying Nazis and Stalinist deprivations all come and go as each tenant's backward glance yields moments of aching sensuality, infectious exuberance and catastrophic loss. 战前的歧视,纳粹的占领和斯大林主义的侵袭一一闪现在大家眼前,痛楚的感觉,像疾病一样传染的行动,还有灾难性的丧失。
- He lined out for home without a backward glance 他头也不回,急忙往家里走去。
- He cast a furtive glance at her. 他偷偷瞥了她一眼。
- She glance shyly at him and then lowered her eyes. 她羞怯地偷看了他一下,随即垂下眼帘。
- The glass hit him a glance blow on the forehead. 那玻璃从侧面击中他的额头。
- His frigid glance made me afraid. 他那冷淡的目光让我害怕。
- Louisa threw me a quick frightened glance. 路易莎急速惊恐地望了我一眼。