- Keywords PRV(Pressure Relief Valve);Standards and codes;Pressure loss;Back pressure;Flow Capacity of PRV; 安全阀;标准规范;压力降;背压;安全阀排量;
- back pressure relief valve 背压安全阀
- What is maximum acceptable back pressure? 如果是,给出可接受的最大背压?
- Liquid traps that can introduce sufficient back pressure to prevent relief devices from functioning properly shall be avoided. 应避免使用会产生过高背压导致泄放装置不能正常发挥作用的集液器。
- Install the high pressure relief valve in the compressor manifold fitting. 在压缩机歧管配件里安装高压释放阀。
- Relief ports at enclosure grade level. 安全阀端口位于外壳等高线。
- For pressure relief you turn the opening valve against clockwise direction. 压力释放时,逆时针旋转开口阀。
- Seating load and tightness is dependent on back pressure. 阀座密封负载和紧密性与反压力相关。
- This back pressure is no problem for the rupture disk. 如果压力放散系统的压力进入到爆破片中,对爆破片不会产生影响。
- In such cases, provision should be made to always vent above flood level or for a pit drain to insure an adequate air gap below the relief port. 如果放置在坑内,则应该采取措施使得排放总是在地面上,或对于坑内排放,要确保在安全阀下方配置一个适当的气隙。
- Install a 125 PSI pressure relief valve in the cold water supply line. 在冷水供应管道上安装一个125psi的减压安全阀。
- Several different types of valves are in use. Some are back pressure valves. 有几种不同的阀在使用中,有些是反向压力阀。
- An air gap below the relief port must be maintained so as to avoid flooding and submersion of the assembly, which may lead to a cross connection. *Please refer to Figure No. 1 for further information. 在释放端口必需配置一个气隙以避免总成不被水淹没,这种气隙可能会引导到交叉连接处。*请参阅型号1,了解更多资料。
- Pressure relief devices protect storage tanks against overpressure hazards, you must know their set points. 压力释放装置用于防止超压的危险,你必须清楚它们的设定值。
- Do not walk on the top surfaces of the Powerbloc panels, rupture points for pressure relief. 不要在开关柜泻压顶板上行走。
- Must be installed to allow complete drainage of both the temperature and pressure relief valve and the discharge line. 必须正确安装,使得降温减压安全阀和排水管道都能够完全排泄。
- Building valves - Combined temperature and pressure relief valves - Tests and requirements. 建筑阀门。温度和压力组合安全阀。试验和要求。
- Diplegs play an important role as pressure seals against the considerable back pressure generated. 料腿则起着对产生的相当大的背压加压密封作用。
- Temperature and Pressure Relief Valve is required, but may not be factory installed. 需要降温减压安全阀,但可能不在工厂安装。
- The most important complication of urinary tract obstruction is renal parenchymal atrophy as a result of back pressure. 尿路梗阻最重要的并发症为反压所致的肾实质萎缩。