- He was a babe in the woods regarding politics. 关于政治他可是初出茅庐,没有经验。
- You can't blame him for his mistakes; he is are just a babe in the wood in business matters. 你不能责怪他犯错,在生意场上他还很幼稚。
- They looked like a couple of babes in the wood. 他俩看上去像是一对不懂世故的人。
- When I first met you, you were like a babe in the woods. 我初遇你时,你还是个涉世未深的小子。
- He was like a babe in the woods when he first came to New York. 当他第一次来纽约,他就象一个不谙世故的林中孩子。
- You can not blame them for their mistakes; they are just babe in the wood in business matter. 你不能责怪他们犯错,在生意场上他们还很幼稚。
- You can't blame him for his mistake; he is just a babe in the wood in business matters. 你不能责怪他犯错,在生意场上他还很幼稚。
- You can't blame him for his mistakes; he is just a babe in the wood in business matters. 你不能责怪他犯错,在生意场上他还很幼稚。
- You can't blame him for his mistakes; he is just a babe in the woods in business matters. 你不能责怪他犯错,在生意场上他还很幼稚。
- He hurried by and disappeared in the wood. 他匆匆走过去,消失在森林里。
- He started a bird as he walked in the wood. 他在林子里走时,惊动了一只鸟。
- My husband is a good cook, but as a tailor he is a babe in the woods. 我丈夫是个好厨师,但做裁缝他就一窍不通了。
- He is a good hockey player, but as a golfer he is just a babe in the woods. 他曲棍子球打得不错,但作为一名高尔夫球手,他还嫩了些。
- The little boy lost in the wood was buried in leaves. 迷失在森林中的那个小男孩被树叶埋起来了。
- My husband is a good cook,but as a tailor he is a babe in the woods. 我丈夫是个好厨师,但做裁缝他就一窍不通了。
- He is a good hockey player,but as a golfer he is just a babe in the woods. 他曲棍子球打得不错,但作为一名高尔夫球手他还嫩了些。
- He is a good driver, but as a mechanic he is just a babe in the woods. 虽然他车开得相当不错,但可不是位老到的机器技工。
- We can hear the crackle of the wood on the fire in the next room. 我们可以听到隔壁燃烧的木柴发出的噼啪声。
- The wood was smoldering in the fireplace. 木柴在壁炉中闷烧。
- He hammered the nail in the wood. 他往木头里钉钉子。