- That version carries no face of probability. 那说法不像是真的。
- Is it within the bounds of probability? 这件事有可能吗?
- Sometimes, love is a kind of probability. 有时,爱情就是一种或然率。
- axiom of probability 概率公理
- axiom of probability measure 概率度公理
- Freedom of conscience is an axiom of liberal thought. 心灵的解放就是自由主义思想的体现。
- He still proved the area axioms of black hole. 他还证明了黑洞的面积定理。
- Each trade is but one of a series of probabilities. 每笔交易只是概率中的一笔交易。
- People's attitude is suspicion of axiom of choice and axiom of parallelism. 人们对平行公理和选择公理的态度都表现为:怀疑。
- The first axiom of marketing is that people want to do business with people. 第一个销售准则就是,人们都是希望彼此之间从事商务往来的。
- It might be a problem of probability, but hardly avoid. 也许是一个概率问题,但发生却不可避免。
- Rutherford first identified the action of probability in radioactive decay. 卢瑟福首先认识到几率在放射性衰变中的作用。
- We never use more than the convenient language of probability theory. 我们仅仅使用概率论的方便语言。
- Stacked tabs illustrate the following axiom of user-interface design: All idioms, regardless of their merits, have practical limits. 堆叠标签说明了下面的用户界面设计公理,即所有的习惯用法,无论有多少优点,都有其实践性约束。
- In his theory of Probability Jeffreys has something new to say about induction. 杰弗里斯在其概论中,对于归纳法有某种新的见解。
- All That Is saw an infinity of probable, conscious individuals. 一切全有看到可能的、有意识的个人的无限性。
- When a mathematical result requires the axiom of choice, this fact is often stated explicitly. 在数学成果要求选择公理的时候,有时明显的这么声明。
- Think in terms of probabilities but don't see trading as gambling. 以概率而不是赌博的角度来对待买卖。
- The supremum axiom of the reals refers to subsets of the reals and is therefore a second-order logical statement. 实数集的上确界公理用到了实数集的子集,这是一种二阶逻辑的陈述。
- His understanding of probabilities and payoffs was freakish. 他对概率和回报的理解是不可思议的。