- axial thrust load 轴向推力负荷
- Then the curves of transverse load and the axial thrust follow, which means that the coefficient of movement arm is the most critical to the failure of voussoir beam. 初始纵向载荷较低时,3条曲线中力臂系数首先取得峰值,其次是横向载荷曲线,最后是纵向载荷曲线,说明力臂系数对铰接拱破坏最为敏感;
- The axial thrust force and the load capacity of hydrodynamic pressure are analyzed and calculated in detail when screws of different shapes are adopted in the micro-robot. 详细分析计算了医用微型机器人在采用不同形状螺纹下螺旋时所产生的轴向摩擦牵引力和动压粘液膜承载量。
- The safety running of hydrogenerator needs thrust bearing sharing thrust load. 水轮发电机组的正常运转要求各推力轴承轴瓦应均匀地承受推力负荷。
- Balancing disk with simple construction and less leakage is used to balance axial thrust automatically in Turbopump of large-scale Rocket Engine. 平衡盘结构简单、泄漏量小、能自动平衡转子轴向力,常用于大型火箭发动机涡轮泵。
- The causes and aftereffect of axial thrust that rising from working impellers of single-suction high-pressure centrifugal fans is analyzed simply. 简要分析了单吸式高压离心通风机叶轮工作时产生轴向推力的原因及危害。
- In order to expound the axial thrust characteristics of asymmetric and cross rolling, a systematic experiment has been performed on the first AC mill developed by ourselves. 为阐明异步交叉轧制的轴向力特性,在自行研制的首架异步交叉轧机上进行了系统的实验研究。
- The self-made convert structure radial-thrust hybrid bearings test stand can bear radial load, thrust load and both the two direction loads at the same time. 自制的径向-推力联合动静压轴承试验台采用倒置结构,可实现径向加载、轴向加载以及两个方向同时加载。
- The clip is set to transfer closing thrust loads directly to gate and not through bolts. 这种夹子设置用来将关闭推力不通过螺栓负载直接转移到闸板上。
- axial thrust balancing apparatus 轴推力平衡装置
- axial thrust balancing mechanism 轴向推力平衡机构
- For improve thrust loading and decrease fuel consume of the engine, propulsive system of the future demand the compressor in possession of higher pressure ratio and more efficiency. 未来飞机推进系统要求压气机的压比和效率均大大高于目前的使用水平,以提高发动机推重比,减小燃油消耗。
- Axial Thrust Research for High-pressure Centrifugal Compressor 高压离心式压缩机轴向推力研究
- The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body. 那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。
- The invader thrust the blade of his bayonet into the woman's heart. 侵略兵把刺刀的刀身刺入那个妇人的心脏。
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- She will not shove the heavy load onto others. 她不愿意把重担推给别人。
- The enemy made a thrust against our troop. 敌人向我军发动了袭击。
- Thrust ball bearing is separable bearing and only can be subject to axial load. 推力球轴承为可分离型轴承,只能承受轴向载荷。
- The maximum load for this lorry is one ton. 这辆卡车最大载重量是一吨。