- axial resisting pressure 轴心抗压
- How can you raise oneself resist pressure? 怎样可以提高自己的抗压力?
- They are determined to resist pressure to change the law. 他们决心顶住要求改革法律的压力。
- I think I could crumble , perhaps my ability of resisting pressure is weak. 或许我对压力的承受能力也太差了。
- Critics point to the rising number of part-time jobs, saying new employees lack the security that would allow them to resist pressure to overwork. 批评人士认为这一问题的主要原因在于兼职的不断增多,称新雇员由于缺乏安全感,不得不去加班。
- Sometimes benigning pressure actually produces motivation, Accordingly, it can make people who enjoy challenging to produce ability of resisting pressure and enjoy working under heavy pressure. 有时良性的压力的确可以产生动力,从而使得一些富于挑战的人产生抗压能力,能够乐于在大压力下工作。
- In the main center of the injury, Milian resisted pressure to become the team in scoring major points. 在主力中锋因伤缺阵的情况,米利安顶住了压力,成为球队中主要得分点。
- Besides, there is also some alternatives, such as an inductance conversion using differential transformer and space curve deformeter, and variable resistance pressure transmitter. 除此之外还有利用差动变压器和扰曲线应变计的电感变换方式,以及变电阻式压力变送器。
- The painting has yellowed from layers of varnish applied over the centuries, but the Louvre has resisted pressure to touch it up. 历经数百年后画像最外层的光泽面已经发黄,但是罗浮宫一直不同意对画像润色。
- It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities that have given euthanasia its worst name. 当年就是荷兰医生英勇无比地顶住了压力,拒绝参与使安乐死声名狼藉的纳粹用人体进行医学实验的暴行,这恐怕不是巧合。
- And they resisted pressure to revalue their currency upward, as market forces would have dictated, because they feared the consequences. 即使市场的力量要求如此,他们也抗拒着不愿使自己的货币升值,因为他们很担心其后果。
- It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities . 这不是一种巧合;当时荷兰医生就英勇地反抗用人体做医学试验.
- It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities. 正是荷兰医生最英勇地顶住了压力,拒绝参与曾使安乐死名声狼藉的纳粹用人体进行医学实验的暴行。这恐怕不是巧合。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- It is probably no coincidence that it was Dutch doctors who most heroically resisted pressure to join in the Nazi medical atrocities that hxdye given euthanasia its worst name. 当年就是荷兰医生英勇无比地顶住了压力,拒绝参与使安乐死声名狼藉的纳粹用人体进行医学实验的暴行,这恐怕不是巧合。
- They are determined to resist invasion. 他们决定抵抗入侵。
- I can never resist an ice cream. 我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。
- Mr Michel, however, argues that cases where the FSI has resisted pressure to invest “demonstrate our independence and mandate to invest only in firms with potential. 然而,米歇尔先生则认为投资策略基金会顶住压力投资“显示我们的独立,而且仅批准对有潜力的公司投资。”
- The robber was shot dead resisting arrest. 强盗因拒捕而被击毙。
- He could not resist the temptation to steal. 他经不起想要偏巧的诱惑。