- The broke the door in with axes. 他们用斧子劈开了门。
- Be Cautious in Talking about "New Axis Era" 慎谈"新轴心时代"
- My professor studies flora of the Palaeozoic Era. 我的教授研究古生代的植物群。
- The heavy ax was awkward to use. 这把重斧头不好用。
- The firemen splintered the door with an ax. 消防队员们用斧头将门砸开。
- Concorde inaugurateda new era in aeroplane travel. 协和式飞机开创了空中旅行的新纪元。
- Some say the computer has ushered in a new era. 有人说电脑引入了一个新时代。
- The man cleft a block of wood in two with an ax. 那人用斧头把一块木头劈成两半。
- The era of the backwoods rube is gone. 落后地区乡巴佬的时代已过去了。
- We are living in the computer era. 我们正生活在计算机时代。
- His death marked the end of an era. 他的死标志著一个时代的结束。
- John got the ax from Mary-they won't see each other again. 约翰被玛丽拒绝了-他们从此不再来往。
- It's an era of the miniskirt in the seventies. 七十年代是超短裙时代。
- Neo-conservatism prevailed in the Reagan era. 在雷根当政期间,新保守主义盛行。
- The invention of the computer marked the beginning of a new era. 计算机的发明标志着一个新时代的开始。
- The hunter cut off the animal's head with one chop of an ax. 猎人一斧砍下猎物的头。
- He hacked the box apart with the ax. 他用斧头把盒子劈开。
- Today should be saluted as the beginning of a new era. 应把今天看作是一个新时代的开始来庆祝。
- I'd like to see what chance I could find to trade off my ax handles. 我要看看我能找个什么机会卖掉我这些斧头柄。
- Several of our plans got the ax when the new government came in. 新政府上台后,我们有几个计划被砍掉了。