- He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 他随著一阵电铃的响声醒来。
- She awoke to the realities of life. 她认识到生活的种种现实。
- The adventurer awoke to find himself tied down with long ropes to the ground. 这位冒险者醒来,发现自己被长绳捆在地上。
- Hw awoke to find himself famous. 他一觉醒来发现自己出名了。
- He awoke to the ringing of the electric bell. 电铃响时,他醒了过来。
- One morning I awoke to find myself tied up. 早上醒来发现自己被绑住了。
- Suddenly he awoke to the danger. 突然他意识到了危险。
- That my poor heart awoke to love. 到什么是爱。
- She awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 她在电铃声中醒来。
- I awoke to find that it was raining. 我醒来后才发现正在下雨。
- Mike awoke to find that he was lying on the beach. 迈克一觉醒来发现自己躺在海滩上。
- He awoke to find the house on fire. 他醒来发现房子着火了。
- Then, one day we awoke to a new technology. 直到有一天我们择到了一个新的技术。
- The Humans awoke to find Tierra filled with colour. 人类醒来发现蒂尔拉被色彩所笼罩,
- I awoke to find myself in a white room. 当我醒来时,发现自己在一个白色的房间里。
- We must awake to our responsibilities. 我们一定要认识到自己的职责。
- We are fully awake to the dangers of the situation. 我们充分意识到局势的危险。
- Are you fully awake to the danger you're in? 你充分意识到自己所处的危险了吗?
- A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather. 飞行员必须警觉天气的变化。
- It's time you awake to the realities of the situation. 该是你认识形势的真实情况的时候了。