- A transformer with on-load voltage regulation was equipped with to restrain the worsening trend and avoid emergency events when the transformer s tap changer did not function well. 配置有载调压的变压器在有载调压开关出现异常时,为抑制恶化趋势,避免突发故障,采取了减少调压开关动作次数的措施。
- RRT uses local people and resources as part of preparedness and to avoid emergencies, which creates unwarranted harm in the longer term or wider area. 风险降低法视当地人与当地的资源为灾害预防和规避风险工作的一部分,这种方法可以从长远的角度和更广泛的领域来削减灾害。
- Becaure it was eas happened unequal settlement on old winden part,which must take several measure to avoid emergence portrait crack on part of subgrade widen in pavement. 由于旧路帮宽部分易产生不均匀沉降,为了防止路面在路基帮宽处产生纵向裂缝而采取的几种有效措施。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- Please locate the nearest emergency exit. 请指明最靠近的太平门位置。
- She has the ability to keep calm in an emergency. 她有处变不惊的本事。
- He brake his car just in time to avoid an accident. 他及时煞车,避免了一次事故。
- We should use anthracite to avoid air pollution. 我们应该使用无烟煤以防止空气污染。
- You should only use this door in an emergency. 在紧急情况下才能使用这扇门。
- It is important to keep/stay calm in an emergency. 在紧急情况下保持镇静是很重要的。
- I often tried to avoid ill_mannered bus conductors. 我常常想法避开那些态度不好的公共汽车售票员。
- I'm looking for the emergency room. 我正在找急诊室。
- She cast about how she could avoid work. 她盘算着怎样才能逃避工作。
- He snot a pistol of me. I jumped back in time to avoid being shot. 他用手枪向我射击,我及时向后一跳没被射中。
- Computer simulation of an in-flight emergency. 计算机模拟飞行途中的紧急情况
- Avoid crossing this street at rush hours. 避免在交通拥挤时间穿越这条街道。
- The patient was asked to ring the bell in an emergency. 要求病人在有紧急情况时按铃。
- Avoid sensationalism in reporting crime. 报道罪案时要避免使用耸动视听的手段。
- The Government proclaimed a state of emergency. 政府宣布了紧急状态。