- avoid a dangerous zone 避开危险地带
- There is a yachting analogy in setting a course away from your destination to avoid a dangerous coast, or perhaps to `fetch a trade wind`. 类似于航海上建立一个离开你的目的地的航程以避免危险的海岸,或按设想“借贸易风”行驶。
- Although the extragalactic space is a dangerous zone, you should also annihilate all the enemies on your journey. 虽然银河系外的空间是一个危险的地域, 但是,你也应该在你的旅程上消灭所有的敌人。
- The Bermuda Triangle is called "the Graveyard of the Atlantic" by soldiers, but the US Navy doesn't recognize it as a dangerous zone. 百幕大三角被士兵看作”大西洋的墓地”,但美国海军并不认为它是一个危险区域。
- The Bermuda Triangle, known to soldiers as "the Graveyard of the Atlantic", is not recognized by the U.S. Navy as a danger zone. 百慕大三角被士兵们看作“大西洋的墓地”,但美国海军并不认为它是一个危险区域。
- He pushed hard on the brake pedal to avoid a collision. 他使劲踩下煞车踏板以避免撞车。
- "And, if I may say so, sir, what with all the perils that Fantoma harbors, it is good to be serving in a danger zone under the command of my Lord Breetai once more. 并且,如果我可以这么说的话,长官.;不管凡托玛孕育着怎么样的危险,能再次在我们的布里泰大人麾下服役真是太好了。
- Aerobatics is a dangerous sport. 特技飞行是危险的运动。
- She pulled the van to the left to avoid a dog. 她把客货车向左一闪以免轧著狗。
- Is Your Home a Danger Zone? 你的家是你婚姻的危险地带么?
- This decision creates a dangerous precedent. 这个决定开创了一个危险的先例。
- That dog is a dangerous brute; it bites people. 那条狗是危险的畜牲,它咬人。
- A red lamp is often a danger signal. 红灯常常是危险的信号。
- The old helmsman brought us about and we avoided a dangerous dash against the rocks. 老舵手掉转了船的航向, 我们才避免了一次撞击礁石的危险。
- The ship took on a dangerous cant to port. 船只出现向左舷危险倾斜。
- They were a hundred feet clear of the danger zone. 他们离危险区域还有一百英尺远。
- Jim was able to hold back his anger and avoid a fight. 吉姆忍住了怒气,避免了一场殴斗。
- A little learning is a dangerous thing. 一知半解,为害不浅。
- The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry. 当局对此事秘而不宣,以免引起公众抗议。
- Drug addiction is a dangerous canker in society. 吸毒成瘾是腐蚀社会的一大祸害。