- average correlation time 平均相关时间
- It is shown that the pump parameter and intensity noise correlation time are the major factors of the first-order-like transition. 研究结果表明,抽运参量和噪声相关时间是激光系统出现一级相变类比的关键因素,角噪声相关时间对强度谱分布中的线宽影响较大。
- The motion of plunger of oleo damper excited by colored Gaussian noise with exponential correlation time is governed by first order nonlinear differential equation. 摘要油液阻尼器受指数型高斯色噪声外激励时,活塞在油腔内的运动可用一阶非线性动力学方程描述。
- It is shown that the OAG of the USC (or the LSC) is a non-monotonic function of the strength and correlation time of the noise as well as the frequency of the USC (or the LSC). 研究表明,上(或下)边频分量输出幅度增益是噪声的强度和相关时间以及上(或下)边频分量频率的非单调函数。
- The expressions for correlation functions, power spectrum and correlation time of the intensity of a single-mode laser driven by two white noises with a exponential function correlation form were calculated by linear approximation method. 应用线性近似方法,计算了具有指数形式关联的两白噪声驱动下单模激光光强的关联函数、功率谱及关联时间。
- It is shown that the OAG is a non-monotonic function of the strength, the correlation time of the DN, the system damping coefficient, as well as the frequency of the driving signal. 研究表明:输出幅度增益是噪声的强度和相关时间、系统阻尼系数,以及激励信号的频率的非单调函数;
- By average correlative coefficient approach, the transfer function of a plant is estimated from its I/O's data collected real-timely. 通过实时采集被控对象的输入输出数据,采用平均相关系数法估计被控对象的传递函数。
- Minimum Average Correlation Energy Filter with Noise Immunity 抗噪型最小平均相关能量滤波器
- molecular motional correlation time 分子运动相关时间
- The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen. 本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。
- The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day. 该工厂的平均产量是每天20辆汽车。
- Average correlation between CISA and WAIS- RC Subtests was about 0.52; CISA与WAIS-RC之间的平均相关系数为0.;52;
- His income is well below the average. 他的收入大大低于平均水平。
- We fail one student per year on average. 我们平均每年有一个学生不及格。
- Be you familiar with their correlation? 你了解他们的相互关系吗?
- Meals average out at 5 per head. 膳食平均每人5英镑。
- Rainfall is about average for the time of year. 对一年中的这个时候来说,降雨量还算普通。
- On average we receive five letters each day. 我们平均每天收到五封信。
- Each household sold, on the average, two pigs. 平均每户交售了两口生猪。
- Our reps make on average six calls day. 我们的销售代表平均每天打六次电话。