- Hard work is a sure avenue to success. 勤奋是可靠的成功之道。
- Hard work is the Best avenue to success. 努力工作是成功的最好途径。
- Hard work is the surest avenue to success. 勤劳为成功最稳当的途径。
- Hard work is an avenue to success. 勤勉乃通向成功之路。
- Persistance is a sure avenue to success. 坚持是通往成功的一条道路。
- The best avenue to success is hard work. 成功最好的方法,就是努力工作。
- My parents took me to Constitution Avenue to see the parade. 这个孩子说:“我爸爸妈妈带我到宪法大街去看游行。
- "My parents took me to Constitution Avenue to see the parade. 这个孩子说:“我爸爸妈妈带我到宪法大街去看*。
- We are exploring every avenue to obtain the information you are asking for. 我们正在想尽一切办法找你要的资料。
- The only avenue to advance his career is to get into a graduate school. 他要事业进步只能上研究生。
- It remains as the major avenue to individual learning and satisfaction. 阅读依然作为学习的主要途径,它是令人满意的。
- They said that they would explore every avenue to find a way out of our difficulties. 他们说一定要想尽一切办法使我们摆脱困难。
- Developing the cultural industry is an important avenue to enriching socialist culture in the market economy and to meeting the spiritual and cultural needs of the people. 发展文化产业是市场经济条件下繁荣社会主义文化、满足人民群众精神文化需求的重要途径。
- He retraced his steps along Central Avenue to the depot and found himself quickly before the walls of the very large concern he was seeking. 他沿着中央路朝火车站往回走,不多时来到他正要找的那家很大的工厂的墙外。
- Community-based educational efforts to describe the perils of this avenue to single parenting are crucial. 以社区为基础努力开展教育活动以说明通向单亲化道路的危险性是极其重要的。
- How much do all these figures stack up to? 这些数字的总和是多少?
- Next to arms, eloquence offers the great avenue to popular favor, whether it be in civilized or savage life. 不管是在文明社会中,还是在野蛮社会中,除了武力外,口才是取得名望的一个重要手段。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- Next to arms, eloquence offers the great avenue to popular favor, whither it be in civilized or savage life. 姑且不谈军事上的建树,无论在文明人还是蛮子中,一个人只要有如簧之舌,就可以安享盛名。