- The issue of greater autonomy for Tibet has also incited many protesters. 争取西藏享有更高自治权的问题也煽动了许多抗议者。
- The Dalai Lama denies inciting violent protests in China and says he seeks only autonomy for Tibet, where he remains widely revered. 达赖喇嘛否认煽动中国的暴力抗议,他说他仅仅谋求西藏自治;达赖喇嘛在西藏仍受到广泛尊重。
- The Dalai Lama advocates genuine autonomy for Tibet and not secession, while more radical Tibetans are urging him to support outright independence. 达赖喇嘛提倡西藏高度自治而非脱离中国,而更多激进的藏人鼓励他提倡完全独立。
- Late last year, the Chinese government again rejected the Dalai Lama’s proposal for a rapprochement that would yield greater autonomy for Tibet. 去年末,中国政府又一次拒绝了达赖喇嘛提出的和解方案,该方案要求给与西藏更大的自治权。
- The separatist is demanding full autonomy for their state. 分裂主义者在要求他们的州完全自治。
- We will leave Turfan for Tibet next week. 下周我们将离开吐蕃去西藏。
- autonomy for Tibet 西藏自治
- Tibetan exiles are meeting in India on Monday to discuss a strategy for Tibet. 藏族流亡者本周一在印度召开会议讨论西藏新策略。
- The Dalai Lama has repeatedly voiced support for the Beijing Olympics, and says he does not want independence for Tibet - just greater autonomy. 达赖喇嘛已多次表示支援北京奥运,并且说他不谋求西藏独立,只要求更大的自治。
- He has altered the focus of the autonomy he seeks for Tibet by downplaying enhanced political and economic power and pursuing greater power in religion and culture. 达赖通过降低对政治经济权力的追求,转而寻求宗教和文化上的更大控制力,他已经改变了对西藏自治权的追求重点。
- The Dalai Lama has long advocated genuine autonomy rather than secession for Tibet, though the Chinese government accuses him of inciting separatist violence. 尽管达赖喇嘛长期以来一直呼吁西藏的真正自治远胜于分裂西藏,但是中国政府还是指控他煽动分裂暴力活动。
- This is true not only for Tibet but for the other minority nationality areas as well. 不仅西藏,其他少数民族地区也一样。
- New China brought about the system of regional autonomy for minority nationalities. 新中国建立了民族区域自治制度。
- Elections in Martinique and Guadeloupe which offered greater autonomy for the island, but which were rejected. 在马提尼克和瓜德罗普,对给予各岛更多自治权的选举遭到失败。
- The Dalai Lama, however, says he only wants meaningful autonomy for the Himalayan region. 而达赖喇嘛却表示,他只希望为西藏地区寻求“合理的自治”。
- We do not agree to “total autonomy” for Taiwan which is tantamount to having “two Chinas”. 不赞成台湾“完全自治”的提法,“完全自治”就是“两个中国”,而不是一个中国。
- The CiU may well demand still more autonomy for Catalonia, but it is broadly liberal on economic policy. 虽然汇合党可能要求在加泰罗尼亚上更多的自治权,但在经济政策上却更为开放。
- The establishment of the system of regional autonomy for ethnic minorities has undergone long period of exploration and practice. 中国民族区域自治制度的确立经历了长时间的探索和实践。
- Regional autonomy for ethnic minorities conforms with the national interests and the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups in China. 民族区域自治是与中国的国家利益和各民族人民的根本利益相一致的。
- Sool is split between sub-clans backing either Somaliland or Puntland, while some of them want autonomy for Sool itself. 分别支持索马里兰或者邦特兰的地方部族使索勒州陷入分裂,他们中的一些人想使索勒州自治。