- automobile body sheet metal stamping dies 汽车车身覆盖件拉深模具
- automobile body sheet 汽车车身钢板
- Jiang Su Ben Yu Automobile Body Producti. 江苏奔宇车身制造有限公司。
- The top portion of the front part of an automobile body, supporting the windshield and dashboard. 外壳罩汽车车体前部的顶部,用以支撑挡风玻璃和遮泥板
- An automobile body pretty bunged up from an accident. 汽车车身因为事故而被撞得破损不堪。
- automobile body sheets 汽车板
- Should put automobile body reflection marking at side face and back. 该车应在侧面和后部安装车身反光标识。
- Some cross-country cars are alike 2020, but the proportion of automobile body is not quite alike. 有些越野车象2020,但车身比例不太一样。
- The top portion of the front part of an automobile body, supportingthe windshield and dashboard. 外壳罩汽车车体前部的顶部,用以支撑挡风玻璃和遮泥板。
- Importers of Engine Parts and Automobile Body Parts. We need auto starter now. Please contact us. 我们是引擎配件的进口商,我们需要购买起动机,请与我们联系。
- Finally, improvement measures have been presented in the empennage and the cross section of the automobile body. 最后从汽车的车身尾翼、车身横断面、阻风板等方面提出汽车侧风稳定性改善措施。
- E's registration 4 items: Engine, automobile body or frame origin certificate name, serial number. 变更登记4项:发动机、车身或者车架来历凭证的名称、编号。
- Lead has already been banned by law in paint, automobile fuel, food cans, automobile body solders, light bulbs and plumbing solder and fixtures. 法律已经禁止在油漆、汽车燃料、食品罐、汽车车体焊料、灯泡以及管道焊接和固定装置上使用铅。
- The clear-lacquering coating of the clear-lacquering coating that in abroad transparent and pulverous coating already used car automobile body and car. 在国外透明粉末涂层已应用到轿车车身的罩光涂层和车辆的罩光涂层。
- Moreover because is hanging the whole correction to be haler and heartier, automobile body's stability and follows the mark to obtain strengthens. 而且由于悬挂整体调校较为硬朗,车身的稳定性和循迹性得到加强。
- What is insufficient is the automobile body high influence, in its vehicle the sidelurch feeling was quite still obvious. 不足的是受车身较高的影响,其车内侧倾感受仍然比较明显。
- The rear guard leaned the pole to reduce in the curve automobile body's sidelurch, guaranteed that your smooth driving could not break. 后防倾杆减轻了弯道中车身的侧倾,保证你流畅的驾驶不会被打断。
- Making can hit the energy affably the security automobile body, appears very important in the promotion small vehicle security aspect. 打造能舒缓撞击能量的安全车身,在提升小型车安全方面显得至关重要。
- In the secure aspect, all was provides ++eba++, the high strength automobile body big enhancement driving security which the laser welding brought. 一般来说国庆过后是汽车销售旺季,更是汽车厂商竞争的真正开始。
- A process was advanced to eliminate the roughness of joints in the front of automobile body's top cover after being soldered. 探讨了解决车身顶盖前围焊接不平整问题的工艺过程。