- automatic range unit 自动距离跟踪器
- Now, with GDI, they have a repair unit and some long range units, which do give them pretty decent options for managing husks. 现在,GDI有一个维修单位和一些远射程单位,这给予他们对机甲残骸很大的选择余地。
- The Automatic Range Digital Ef. 数字式自动量程工频有效值多用表。
- TurtleRock Opened areas of the map to help alleviate strong choke points that favor ranged unit combat. 在地图的开阔地带,改变了路口瓶颈,这样更有利于远程单位。
- An Automatic Range Switching Technique 一种量程自动转换技术
- Automatic range switching linear amplifier 自动量程转换线性放大器
- Automatic Range Detector and Measuring Equipment 自动测距器与测量设备
- automatic range switching ultramicrobalance 自动选择量程的超微量天平
- Replaced two ranged units with two melee units to the creep camps guarding the Goblin Merchants. 把地精商店门口的怪改为两个近身两个远程。
- Ranged units or heroes with ranged spells occasionally have pathfinding problems. 远程单位或者有远程魔法的英雄有些时候存在寻路问题。
- Frequency Measuring Circuit with Automatic Range Change 自动量程切换的频率测量电路
- A 4-speed automatic transmission is optional. 四段自动变速器是可自由选择的。
- He plans to import an automatic bobbin loader.. 他计划进囗一架自动装线机。
- Electronic digital tracking and ranging unit 数字式电子跟踪测距装置
- We get an automatic increase in pay every year. 我们的薪金每年会自动增长。
- sonic ranging unit for brain midline detection 脑中线检测声学测距装置
- The automatic range selection circuit for voltmeters 智能电压表中量程自动转换电路研究
- battlefield optical ranging unit 野战用光学测距仪
- Automatic modification of the index register. 自动修改变址寄存器内容。
- A volley of automatic rifle fire could be heard. 一阵自动步枪的扫射声传了过来。