- auricular points massotherapy 耳穴按摩法
- Auricular points are some certain stimulating spots or areas on the auricle. 耳穴是指耳廓上一些特定的刺激点或刺激部位。
- Auricular point diagnosis is a quite valuable diagnosic method in clinic. 耳穴诊断,是一种具有较高临床价值的诊断方法。
- Auricular points not only can treat diseases,but also can prevent diseases,ease pain in operation and aid to diagnose. 耳穴不仅可以治疗疾病,还有预防疾病、手术镇痛和辅助诊断等作用。
- OBJECTIVE To investigate into the relationship between the specificity of auricular points and molecular activity. 目的研究耳穴特异性与机体生物分子活性之间的关系。
- Diagnosis can be made by observing, pressing and measuring the electrical resistance on the auricular points. 通过对耳穴的望诊,压诊,电测等还可用于诊断疾病。
- The distribution of auricular points on the auricle is just like a fetus with the head downwards and the buttocks upwards. 其在耳廓上的分布似一个倒置的胎儿头部朝下,臀部朝上,其耳穴的分布是:头面部相应的穴位在耳垂及其邻近处;
- It is a simple stimulating method by tapping small Seed-shape herb on the auricular point. 是在耳穴表面贴敷小颗粒状药物的一种简易刺激方法。
- The upper-digestive-tract cancer could be distinguished by recognizing the electric-characteristic variables of human auricular points with the system. 并用该系统通过识别人体耳穴电学特征量筛检上消化道癌。
- Observe the effect of auricular point press therapy combined with nourishing YIN to lower pathogenic fire herb to the stature of ICPP girl. 方法:对30例女童真性性早熟患儿予耳穴贴压配合滋阴降火中药口服,比较治疗前后预测身高的变化。
- The computer diagnosis system of diseases in TCM was used to test auricular points for 94 children with asthma and 100 children without asthma(the control group). 利用中医电脑诊断系统对94例哮喘儿童(哮喘组)和100例非哮喘病患儿(对照组)进行耳穴诊断。
- Purpose To observe therapeutic effect of acupoint injection combined with auricular point sticking on senile habitual constipation. 目的:观察穴位注射并耳穴贴压治疗老年习惯性便秘的临床疗效。
- Objective To observe therapeutic effect of acupuncture combined with auricular point sticking and pressing for smoking cessation. 目的:观察针刺配合耳压疗法戒烟的疗效。方法:针刺取体穴:戒烟穴(桡骨茎突上方2横指)、神门、中脘、足三里、三阴交。
- The specificity of the auricular points to reflect pathological changes may be due to the activity of the molecules of the organism, including gene mutation, gene expression and its regulation. 耳穴反应病变的特异性可能源于机体内生物分子的活性,其中包括基因突变、基因表达及其调控。
- electuropuncture of auricular points 耳穴电针法
- auricular points plaster therapy 耳穴贴膏法
- moulded therapy of auricular points 耳穴模压疗法
- He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. 他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
- I concur with him in many points. 我和他在许多论点上意见是一致的。
- At this point your logic is at fault. 在这一点上你的推理是错误的。