- aures unitas 双耳
- AUR Gallery was founded in the year 2000 in Shanghai. 2000年亦安画廊创办于上海。
- CN", Xu Jinglei to direct fans to visit site "static UNITA. CN”,即可直达访问徐静蕾粉丝网站“静盟”。
- membranae tympani aures unitae (拉)双耳鼓膜
- Everyone is revising their figures up,” said James Gill, the chief executive of Aur. 大家都在对数据进行向上修正。”
- She will also to draw up the EU UNITA laws to eliminate the retail network in unfair business model. 她还将着手制订欧盟法律,以消除网络零售中不公平的商业模式。
- Freedom of the UNITA attack. Happiness for the war, as soon as possible to add it! 翻译:本盟自由攻击.;为了快乐而战争;快快来加入吧!
- So let all the animals have a rest ,Then welcome to aur knowledge gardon.Today we’ll learn M8U2.What are you doing? 同学们刚才在介绍动物的时候用现在进行时用的很准确,谁能告诉老师现在进行时的结构?
- Last month, Namibia allowed Angolan government troops to use its border area bases to launch attacks on UNITA. 上个月,纳米比亚允许安哥拉政府军使用其边界地区基地发动对UNITA的攻击。
- The number of Staphylococcus aures and Pseudomonas aeruginosa attached to the three kinds of IOLs was counted by scanning electron microscope (SEM). 方法:用电镜观察绿脓杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌在三种人工晶体表面细菌粘附情况并计数。
- UNITA has denied responsibility for the attacks and blames them on undisciplined Angolan government troops. UNITA拒绝对此次袭击事件负责,而把责任归咎到纪律松散的安哥拉政府军。
- Three UNITA all staff dedicated to provide you with the best possible service, welcome calls negotiate! 三盟全体员工竭诚为您提供最好的服务,欢迎来电洽谈!
- The move drew UNITA's wrath and fighting was reported between Namibian troops and UNITA last week after the ambushes. 该行为激怒了UNITA,上周在连续几个伏击之后,纳米比亚军队与UNITA终于接上了火。
- Aap parrh rahe hain XIHA Life, duniya ki behtareen ben-ul-aqwami community. Sign up karnay ke liye yahan click karein aur is ka hissa banein. 是以酸或酵素将玉米淀粉分解所制成,是混合了多醣、双醣及多醣的液体,且按照分解的程度不同,甜度也不相同,多数用在饮料类的食品中。
- Division I full name of "shun cars expected UNITA Limited" is a domestic-funded enterprises in Shenzhen. 我司全名“顺盟车料有限公司”是一家在深圳的内资企业。
- One of the great Hindu saints, Tulsidas, who is worshipped and read all over India by every Hindu, has a strange statement: Dhol gamar pashu aur nari. 伟大的印度圣人之一,图希德斯,每个印度人都崇拜他,都读他的书。
- He said: “I UNITA to further standardize the tourism industry this year, very good source. 他说:“我盟旅游业进一步规范,今年客源势头很好。”
- Produce the semivowel “r”[r] as in ROUGH, produce it again slowly, you’ll discover that this sound is actually [aur], a vowel sound starts it. 如ROUGH中的[r]就是一个半元音。
- However, UNITA lost in August Jin,ru kou a large scale in April the following year. 但八月金人失盟,次年四月大举入寇。