- In preparing an audit schedule for your company, how would you rate your registrar on the following topics? 贵公司在准备审核计划时,贵方如何评价所签认证机构?
- Prepare selected year-end audit schedules. 完成部分年底审计底稿;
- Internal auditing should cover all shifts and be conducted according to an audit schedule updated annually. 内部审核必须覆盖所有的班次,并根据当年有效的审核计划进行。
- Responsible for internal quality audits, issues audit schedule, consolidates audit findings and makes recommendation to Plant Management. 负责内部质量审核,公布审核时间表,评估审核中所发现的问题,并通告工厂管理人员。
- I was frantic to finish the report on schedule. 我十万火急地要按预定时间完成报告。
- I haven't got a clue about the train schedule. 我一点都不知道这个列车时刻表。
- The delays put the whole schedule out of joint. 一再的拖延打乱了全部安排。
- The project was completed ahead of the schedule. 这项工程提前完工。
- The new schedule come into operation on June 1st. 新的日程表是从6月1日开始实行的。
- Are the internal quality audits scheduled on the basis of the status and importance of the activity? 内部品质稽核计划以情形和实际的重要性为基础?
- The plane's departure was on schedule. 飞机准时起飞。
- Do auditing schedules clearly reflect the strategic importance of processes and the results of previous audits? 审核计划清晰反映出过程的战略重要意义和以往评审结果了吗?
- They have planned a tight schedule of travel. 他们安排了一个紧凑的旅行日程。
- The principal has a very tight schedule. 校长的日程表排得满满的。
- The project is behind schedule again. 这项计划又没按时完成。
- The teacher posted the schedule of classes. 教师将课程表公布出来了。
- The new schedule is O.K. with me. 新日程表对我是合适的。
- As usual, the yearly audit will take place in December. 跟往常一样,年度审计将在十二月份进行。
- Have you got a schedule of postal charges? 你有没有邮资价目表?
- He was bidden to finish the work on schedule. 我要他按时完成工作。