- This sets the extended attribute value of the file. 这样可以设置文件的扩展属性集。
- Method to determine whether a string is a valid attribute value. 方法来确定一个字符串是否是有效的属性值。
- Returns the attribute value for the specified attribute. 返回指定属性的属性值。
- The getAttributeNS() method gets an attribute value by namespace URI and name. 方法的作用是:通过命名空间URI和名称获取属性值。
- In this case, the result of the expression is returned as the attribute value. 在本例中,表达式的结果返回为属性值。
- Form the attribute value by the concatenation of two atomic values. 通过串联两个原子值,组成属性值。
- Field directly following this keyword must also be used to declare the fixed attribute value. 字段必须也用于声明固定属性值。
- Gets or sets which character to use to quote attribute values. 获取或设置哪个字符用于将属性值引起来。
- Attribute values can contain only text, not element markup. 属性值只能包含文本,不能包含元素标记。
- If double quotes are used, the XmlTextWriter escapes them in the text content of the attribute value with ". 如果使用双引号,则XmlTextWriter在属性值的文本内容中用"进行转义。
- ENTITIES - The attribute value contains multiple names of external unparsed entities declared in the DTD. ENTITIES-属性值包含DTD中声明的外部未分析实体的多个名称。
- This is the LDIF convention for continuing an attribute value across a line break. 这是LDIF约定,允许属性值跨换行符继续。
- Type attribute value must be on one line, and include the fully qualified type name. 属性值必须在一行上,并且必须包括完全限定的类型名。
- The type attribute value for the script element, indicating the MIME type for the associated scripting engine. 元素的类型属性值,它表明关联的脚本撰写引擎的MIME类型。
- You must supply a permission set name if the XML file does not contain one in the form of a name attribute value. 如果XML文件不包含名称属性值格式的权限集名称,则必须提供此格式的权限集名称。
- You write methods in the Ribbon class, and a control calls the method that has the same name as the attribute value. 您可以在功能区类中编写方法,控件便可以调用与属性值名称相同的方法。
- With XML, it is illegal to omit quotation marks around attribute values. XML中,省略属性值外面的引号是不正确的。
- A little crack detracts from the value of the vase. 小小的裂痕减损那个花瓶的价值。
- Unable to process the custom attribute value -- it may be corrupted or incorrect. 无法处理自定义属性值(该值可能已损坏或不正确)。
- The last example shows proper use of enclosing quotation marks when the attribute value is more than one word long. 最后一个示例显示了当属性的值多于一个词时,应该怎样给它们加双引号。