- attenuated chrysalis 梭形蛹
- Relating to or resembling a chrysalis. 蝶蛹的蝶蛹的或类似蝶蛹的
- A larva metamorphoses into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. 幼虫变为蛹,然后再变成蝴蝶。
- The fat girl was attenuated by hunger. 那胖姑娘饿瘦了。
- Don't worry. Hang upside down from our chrysalis. 别担心,倒挂在蛹上吧。
- You are going to make a chrysalis. 你将要变成蛹。
- You will never hae to make a chrysalis. 你永远不必变成蛹。
- However, it is broken chrysalis merely. 然而,仅仅是破茧而已。
- The sliver must therefore be attenuated. 因此,必须要拉细条子。
- Aspirin only attenuated the pain. 阿司匹林只能减轻痛苦罢了。
- You're a seraphic suggestion of attenuated thought. 你的思想是轻灵得如同天使一般的。”
- A larva metamorphose into a chrysalis and then into a butterfly. 幼虫变为蛹,然後再变成蝴蝶。
- A mature chrysalis in paper box to be treated with Co(60). 老熟蛹置于纸盒内准备接受钴六十处理。
- Silkworm chrysalis is the important raw material of silk industry. 桑蚕茧是丝绸工业的重要原料。
- The chrysalis, in the old man's care, began to show signs of mutation. 老人突然领悟到,原来,幼蝶必须在茧中经过一番痛苦的挣扎和折磨,直到它的翅膀锻炼得足够强壮,依靠自己的力量来破茧而出。
- Noise can also be attenuated by adding together traces shot at different times. 把在不同时间放炮所得的记录加在一起,也能使干扰减小。
- Px were higher and the content of MDA was attenuated in (IR+L) group. PX活力有明显升高。
- The strength of microwave was attenuated with its propagating in the water. 随着微波在水中的传播,其强度逐渐衰减,因此水表面的微波场最强。
- An attenuated response to L-arginine was also found in diabetic IMCD cells. IMCD细胞对L-精氨酸的反应也下降。
- Robbie eventually signed at Chrysalis where they invested a lot in him and where they believed in him. 罗比最终与克里萨利斯公司签约,公司为他投入了大笔资金,相信他能够有所成就。