- Wolves will not usually attack human. 狼并不常常袭击人。
- Wolves will not usually attack humans. 狼通常不会袭击人。
- They are fearless, and will readily attack humans. 它们是大胆勇敢的,而且随时会袭击人类。
- Ferocious animals and birds fled dry rivers and flaming forests to attack human beings. 一些怪禽猛兽,从干涸的江湖和火焰般的森林里跑出来,残害人民。
- The exist in groups and quicky moved away from human.They will try to attack human if they found their distance is too close. 台湾蓝鹊通常都成群栖息在树林中.;它们具有强烈的护巢行为当与人类的距离太近的时候它们会攻击或飞向高处
- But, being a human boy, he was in no danger.The slurps of the diamondwood farms on Wrake didn't attack humans. 作为一个人类,在瑞克星上的钻石林农场是不用担心任何危险的,这只啜食者不会攻击人类。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Hollows, in their attempt to bury their lost of life (heart?) and to placate their thirst for souls will attack humans to eat the souls. 虚为了设法埋葬它们失去的生命(心?)和满足自己对魂魄的欲望,就会攻击人类吞噬其魂魄。
- The 1918 pandemic was triggered by a bird irus that mutated into one that could attack humans, going on to kill a staggering 50 million people worldwide in a matter of months. 1918年的广泛流行是由一个突变为可攻击人类的禽流感引起,此病毒在世界范围内几个月内持续导致5000万人死亡。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。
- The article is a savage attack on her past action. 那篇文章对她过去的行为进行了恶毒的攻击。
- The war took a heavy toll of human life. 这次战争夺去了许多人的生命。
- One squadron peeled off to attack enemy bombers. 一中队战机脱离编队攻击敌轰炸机群。
- Perhaps it is our human nature to be nostalgic. 也许是人类天生有一种思古之幽情。
- The priest says that the human spirit never dies. 牧师说,人的灵魂永远不死。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。
- He took a mournful view on human affairs. 他对人世持悲观的态度。
- She had an attack of indigestion yesterday. 她昨天消化不良。
- The commander chalked out his plan of attack. 司令官对进攻计划作了粗略的介绍。
- She was destitute of human feeling. 她一点也没有人的感情。