- atretic corpora lutea 萎缩黄体
- This is an adult ovary with two corpora lutea. 这是有两个黄体的成年女性的卵巢。
- Systematic research was madeon factors,such as embryonic quality time present in vitro,developmentstages,corpora lutea and breeds of recipients,which affected pairs of demi-embryos transfer pregnancy rates and demi-embryo calving rates. 对影响成对半胚移植妊娠率和半胚产犊率的因素如胚胎质量、胚胎在体外停留时间、胚胎发育阶段、黄体状况、受体牛品种等进行了较系统的研究。
- Effects of Parity and the Rank of Corpora Lutea of Donee Cows on Pregnancy Rate of Embryo Transfer 受体牛胎次与黄体等级对胚胎移植妊娠率的影响
- corpora lutea 黄体
- corpora lutea atretica [医] 闭锁卵泡
- Leucocoprinus luteus (Godfrin) Locq.Lepiota lutea Godfrin. 纯黄白鬼伞(黄环柄菇 Leucocoprinus birnbaumii(Corda) Sing.
- atretic corpus luteum 闭锁黄体
- Arge lutea Cameron, 190 , = Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise, 1933, syn. 新异名 ; Arge lutea Cameron;190 ;=Arge forcipata tibetana Malaise;193 3 ;syn.
- Diffuseporous wood is seen for example in yellow birch (Betula lutea). 加拿大桦(黄桦)的木材即为散孔材。
- In terms of types of hedges, both corpora rely most on the indirect shields. 在模糊限制语类型的选择策略上,两种语料都依赖间接缓和型模糊限制语。
- China Calligraphy Corpora", "World Chinese Calligraphy work Florilegium". 曾获全省全国书画大赛一等奖。
- The dried rhizome and roots of a yellow-flowered European gentian,G. lutea,sometimes used as a tonic. 龙胆根欧洲黄花龙胆属植物的干地下根茎黄龙胆根,有时用作补药。
- Collagen and reticular fibers were observed in theca of growing and vesicular follicles and atretic follicles. 在生长卵泡、囊状卵泡及相应闭锁卵泡的卵泡膜中均见到了胶原纤维和网状纤维。
- A bright linear echo arises from the atretic tricuspid plane (cured arrow).LA, left atrium.Sp, spine. 明亮的线样回声起源于闭锁的三尖瓣(完全箭头)。
- The dried rhizome and roots of a yellow-flowered European gentian, G. lutea, sometimes used as a tonic. 龙胆根欧洲黄花龙胆属植物的干地下根茎黄龙胆根,有时用作补药
- Characteristics of atretic style of follicles were different among the different developing stages. 各级卵泡的闭锁形式各有特点。
- A bright linear echo arises from the atretic tricuspid plane (curved arrow).LA, left atrium.Sp, spine. 明亮的线样回声起源于闭锁的三尖瓣(完全箭头)。
- The atretic follicles are found at the different stages of the development of the ovary. 结果显示卵巢分叶呈条索状,卵泡发育中没有出现卵泡腔,卵泡细胞始终为单层,卵泡膜随卵泡发育成熟由单层转变为多层,闭锁卵泡在卵泡发育的各个不同时期都有出现。
- After culture 80% of follicles in normal ovarian tissue were atretic compared with 53% in PCOS biopsies. 培养后正常卵巢组织中 80%25 的卵泡发生闭锁,而 PCOS 卵巢组织中 53%25 卵泡发生闭锁。