- LPG series high-speed centrifuge atomizing drier is a special equipment and is suitable for drying emulsion, suspending liquid, liquor and so on. LPG系列高速离心式喷雾干燥机是一种适用于乳浊液、悬浮液、糊状物、溶液等液体干燥的专用干燥设备。
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- That cannot get up an atom of sympathy for them. 那并不能激发起人们对他们的丝毫同情。
- Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom. 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。
- I dry my hands and face with the towel. 我用毛巾擦干了双手和面部。
- The old well was bricked up when it ran dry. 旧井干枯以后被人用砖堵上了。
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- The road is only negotiable in the dry season. 这条道只有在旱季才能通行。
- Ida was choking with the dry air. 空气干燥,艾达感到喘不过气来。
- There isn't an atom of truth in the rumour. 谣言中没有丝毫的真实性。
- The turkey is basted to keep it from drying out. 烤火鸡时润以油脂以免烤乾。
- An atom bomb would destroy a city. 一颗原子弹能摧毁一座城市。
- The wet clothes will soon dry in the sun. 湿衣服在太阳下很快就会干的。
- A good hot summer could dry the ground out. 一个炎热的夏天可以将大地干透。
- I had kept my matches dry and soon struck a light. 我没让我的火柴受潮,我一擦就擦着了。
- The clothes will soon dry up in the wind. 这衣服经风一吹很快就会干的。
- The doctor asked the drinker to dry out. 医生要那个酒徒戒掉酒瘾。
- Your clothes will take ages to dry out. 你的衣服要很长时间才能乾透。
- No matter what substance it may be, it is made up of atom. 不管这是什么物质,都由原子构成。
- Some parts of Wales are dry on Sundays. 威尔士的一些地区星期日禁酒。