- The path of a body in a field of force surrounding another body; for example, the movement of an atomic electron in relation to a nucleus. 力场轨道一物体在力场中环绕另一物体运行路径,例如电子在原子核周围的运动
- The path of a body in a field of force surrounding another body; for example,the movement of an atomic electron in relation to a nucleus. 力场轨道,一物体在力场中环绕另一物体运行路径,例如电子在原子核周围的运动。
- Atomic electrons do not behave in this way, regardless of Maxwell's theory. 原子中的电子并非如此,它并不遵循麦克斯韦的理论。
- After oxygen atom electronic excitation, will then send out the aurora that main greenishness ray. 当氧原子受电子激发后,便会发出极光那主要的浅绿色光芒。
- It was assumed that, in a metal, the outer atomic electrons, known as the valence electrons since they are the ones which take part in chemical binding. 曾经假设,金属中原子的外层电子并不是束缚在个别原子上,这些外电子被称为价电子,因为它们是参与化学键的电子。
- The atom bomb is of catholic concern. 原子弹受到普遍的关注。
- That cannot get up an atom of sympathy for them. 那并不能激发起人们对他们的丝毫同情。
- The ship was sunk by an atomic submarine. 这艘船是被一艘核潜艇击沉的。
- Scientists have unlocked the secret of the atom. 科学家已经揭开了原子的秘密。
- An electron from one of the atom shells is ejected. 电子从原子的某一壳层中被弹射出来。
- Our first atomic reactor was built in1958. 我们第一个原子反应堆建于1958年。
- An electron or an atom behaves in some ways as though it were a group of waves. 电子或原子的行为在某些方面好像是一组波。
- An atomic bomb can annihilate a city. 一枚原子弹能毁灭一个城市。
- The reactor was built for tame atomic energy use. 这座反应堆是为原子能的安全使用而建造的。
- The transmitter was pulsed by an electron tube. 电子管使发射器产生脉冲波。
- The particles in an atom are infinitely small. 原子里的粒子极小。
- Her speech argued the case against atomic weapons very effectively. 她的发言就反对原子武器问题进行了十分有力的论证。
- An atomic or a nuclear bomb. Used with the. 原子弹原子弹或核弹。与the连用
- There isn't an atom of truth in the rumour. 谣言中没有丝毫的真实性。
- An electron tube having a cathode and an anode. 电子二极管有一个阳极和一个阴极的电子管