- atmospheric environment effect 城市尺度规划
- The emission of submicron particles in pulverized coal combustion bas a poor effect on atmospheric environment and human health. 这些细粒子的排放会对大气环境和人类健康造成严重的影响。
- Amp; nbsp; Atmospheric Physics and Atmospheric Environment? 大气物理学与大气肪?
- Study of the Atmosphere Environment Effect on Electro-optical Jamming Efficiency 探讨大气环境对光电干扰效能的影响
- Bang-Ouan He, Shi-Jin Shuai, Jian-Xin Wang, Hong He, “The effect of ethanol blended diesel fuels on emissions from a diesel engine”, Atmospheric Environment, 37, (2003) 4965-4971. 张润铎,贺泓*,张长斌,石晓燕,“乙醇柴油混合燃料的制备工艺和废气的排放特性”,环境科学,24(4);(2003)1-6.
- Public Participation is an important item in environment effect appraisal. 公众参与是环境影响评价中的重要内容。
- Courses in earth sciences can also provide a valuable insight into the atmospheric environment. 课程地球科学也能提供宝贵的洞察大气环境。
- The influencing rule of centimeter wave camouflage coatings in seacoast atmospheric environment was summarized. 就我国海洋环境对厘米波隐身涂层的影响规律进行了总结。
- The corrosivity can be detected by using a specially prepared copper coupon laid in the atmospheric environment. 环境腐蚀性用置于腐蚀性环境中的铜试条进行检测。
- The State shall eliminate backward production techniques and equipment that seriously pollutes the atmospheric environment. 国家对严重污染大气环境的落后生产工艺和严重污染大气环境的落后设备实行淘汰制度。
- Meanwhile, the land use change in Wuxi municipali-ty has led to the obvious environment effect. 土地利用快速变化也导致明显环境效应。
- For atmospheric environments definitive standards have not been published yet. 大气环境正式标准尚未发表。
- The study on the environment effect improvement of forestation in coal wasting piles. 绿化造林改善矸石山生态环境效应的研究。
- The environment effect was greater on pigment,in which,the more impact was on chlorophyll than on the carotenoids. 环境对色素的影响较大,其中对叶绿素的影响比对类胡萝卜素的影响更大。
- The SAE 10W40 lubrication oil provided an inert environment to reduce the FCG rates for the given ductile irons as compared to atmospheric environment. 至于铸态与沃斯回火球墨铸铁在SAE 10W40润滑油环境下的疲劳裂缝成长行为,因该油体提供较惰性的环境降低腐蚀效应,使其裂缝成长速率比空气中慢。
- Appraise the ecological environment effect objectively and correct that external species such as water hyacinth brings. 任何外来物种均是"双刃剑",其带来的生态环境效应有利有弊。
- Corrosive atmospheric environment is classified into four grades by Instrument Society of America according to its corrosivity. 根据腐蚀性的严重程度,美国仪器学会标准中将腐蚀性空气环境分为四级。
- Ohta, S. and T. Okita, 1990, A Chemical Characterization of Atmospheric Aerosol in Sapporo, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 24A, No. 4, pp.815-822 . 袁中新、张章堂、袁景嵩、黄明和,1998,高屏地区悬浮微粒物化特徵探讨,第256-263页,1998年气胶研讨会论文辑,1998年10月2日,屏东。
- This paper presents a briefing of the PIXE analysis technology and its applications in study of atmospheric environment, biomedicine and archaeology. 介绍了质子激发的特征X射线能谱分析(PIXE)技术及其在环境科学、生物医学和考古等领域的应用。
- Ethylene (C2H4) as a phytohormone and one of volatile organic compounds can affect plant growth and the quality of atmospheric environment. 摘要乙烯作为植物生长调节素及挥发性有机气体影响著植物生长和大气环境质量。