- The presence of hilly terrain and large land-sea contrast also gives rise to complex small-scale atmospheric circulations, which in turn lead to significant variations in weather conditions within Hong Kong. 天气方面,由于香港地势多山,海陆对比强,容易产生复杂的小尺度气流,导致境内各区的天气可以出现显著差异。
- Besides,the atmospheric circulation serves as theinitiator for the interplay between midlatitude North Pacific SST anomaly and Northernatmospheric circulations. 本文还指出在中纬度北太平洋SST异常与北半球大气环流的相互作用中,大气环流是首先启动的方面。
- Sea surface temperatures and atmospheric circulation are strongly coupled. 海洋表面温度与大气环流是密切相关的。
- Fluid Analogue & Experiments in Atmospheric Circul 大气环流流体模拟与实验
- It is at present far from clear how much the mid-latitude ocean affects the atmospheric circulation. 中纬度海洋对大气环流的影响有多大,目前还很不清楚。
- Predictability of the Seasonal Mean Atmospheric Circulation during Autumn, Winter, and Spring. 秋、冬和春季平均大气环流的可预报性。
- Atmospheric circulation is greatly affected by the balance of thermal energy at the land surface. 大气环流很大程度上受到表面土地热能平衡的影响。
- Correlation analysis reveals that EASM is closely related with the global atmospheric circulation and sea surface temperature (SST). 相关分析显示东亚夏季风与全球大气环流和海表温度有密切关系。
- The lasting strong southwest lower-level jet provided large-scale atmospheric circulation for upkeep of strong vorticity in the south of typhoon. 孟加拉湾至中南半岛一带维持强盛的西南风急流,为台风南部维持强的涡度中心提供了大尺度的背景场。
- Both changes in atmospheric circulation, which are not fully understood, cause the poleward flanks of the subtropics to dry. 以上牵动大气循环变化的两因素,仍未完全被了解,却造成亚热带近两极的边陲区域乾燥。
- The different atmospheric circulation and its evolvement lead to different moving path of Mongolia cold vortex and different area of Ningxia attacked by hailstone. 由于环流形势及其演变的不同,使蒙古冷涡移动路径有所差异,造成宁夏不同区域受到冰雹袭击。
- There have been close relations between the occurrence/development of East Asia migratory locusts in China and the change of the atmospheric circulation. 摘要我国东亚飞蝗的发生发展与大气环流的变化密切相关。
- The interannual variability of dust weather frequency(DWF) in Beijing and its global atmospheric circulation are examined based on the correlation and composite analysis methods in this paper. 本文采用相关和合成的分析方法;研究北京沙尘频次的年际变化及其冬、春季的全球环流背景.
- What's the atmospheric pressure today? 今天的气压怎么样?
- The glass (ie atmospheric pressure) is falling. 气压在下降。
- The NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data are employed to analyze the diurnal variation of the diabatic heating and atmospheric circulation over the Tibetan Plateau and it's surrounding areas. 摘要通过使用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了夏季青藏高原地区非绝热加热场的日变化特征以及高原上空环流场的日变化特点。
- The first, summer sea surface temperature in the westerly drift current in the North Pacific can give some influence on the winter sea surface temperature, and then on the atmospheric circulation and weather. 讨论了两种可能的韵律形成过程,一种是北太平洋西风漂流区夏季海温通过韵律关系影响半年后的冬季海温,从而影响大气环流和天气。
- Georges in Atlantic ocean as example,we studied that ocean type background precipitation is controlled by ocean atmospheric circulation, its chemical compositions come from ocean aerosol. Georges为例;研究了海洋型背景降水受海洋大气环流控制;化学组份来源于海洋气溶胶.
- Lush atmospheric touches in every room. 每个房间都充满朦胧的艺术美