- atheroma cutis 皮肤粉瘤
- Cholesterol clefts are numerous in this atheroma. 有大量的胆固醇结晶。
- Cuti saw you walking in the rain! 这样的铃声一定很酷!
- Complex atheroma have calcification, thrombosis, or hemorrhage. 常见的复合病变有钙化、血栓形成、出血等。
- How does sarcoma atheroma still have liquid tumour to distinguish? 肉瘤粉瘤还有液体瘤怎么区分?
- atheromatosis cutis [医] 皮肤粉瘤, 皮脂囊肿
- A few dark blue inflammatory cells are scattered within the atheroma. 一些暗蓝色的炎细胞散在分布于粥样硬化病灶内。
- Rhizoma Paridis, Scolopendra, Cutis Bufonis, Herba Euphorbiae Humifusae. 七叶一枝花,蟾蜍皮,蜈蚣,地锦草。
- This is a high magnification of the aortic atheroma with foam cells and cholesterol clefts. 高倍显示动脉粥样硬化时的胆固醇结晶和泡沫细胞。
- Conclusion(s): Aplasia cutis congenita is easily ignored when the lesion is small. 当先天性表皮发育不全伤口面积很小时,极易被忽略。
- Intense pulsed light with the specific spectrum penetrate cutis, be transformed to heat. 特定谱段的强脉冲光能穿透表皮,被色素团和血红蛋白有选择地吸收并转化为热能。
- This microscopic cross section of the aorta shows a large overlying atheroma on the left. 动脉纵切镜下显示左侧有大的动脉粥样硬化病灶。
- This high magnification of the atheroma shows numerous foam cells and an occasional cholesterol cleft. 图示:动脉粥样硬化高倍镜显示多量泡沫细胞,偶见胆固醇结晶(棱状空隙)。
- Results Cerebral embolization occurred in 1 patient with extensive aortic atheroma. 另1例行升主动脉加主动脉全弓置换术。
- In the combined treatment groups, the absolute reduction in atheroma volume was a 4.2% decrease from baseline. 在合并治疗组中,动脉粥状化的体积完全减少了4.;2%25。
- We report this case and also review the literature, and then we suggest a checklist for aplasia cutis congenita. 我们报告此一病例,并整理文献列出一个清单,用以处理先天性表皮发育不全之作业流程。
- All the 23 cases obtained satisfactory clinical outcomes, with the upper eyelid cutis laxa obviously improved. 23例患者术后均获得满意效果,上睑明显年轻化。
- Foot guard essence: It contains bio-grease, VE, VB and the other active factors. It can repair xerosis cutis, whiten and protect skin. 护足精华素:含生物脂、VE、VB等多元活力因子,能修护皮肤干燥皲裂、美白护肤。
- Cutis marmorata telangiectatica con genita is an uncommon, congenital cutaneous lesion. 摘要先天性毛细血管扩张大理石状皮肤是种罕见的先天性皮肤病兆。
- According to the theory of hemodynamics, causes of atheroma and coronary heart diseases were analyzed by means of mathematics. 以血液动力学原理为依据,用数学物理方法分析了动脉粥样硬化与冠心病的原理。