- The train is going at a high speed. 火车正在高速行进。
- Our ships headed northward at a high speed. 我们的舰队向北疾驰而去。
- He drives at a high speed in the open country. 他开着车奔驶在原野上。
- The key communications services grew at a high speed. 通信重点业务发展迅速。
- As the car was traveling at a high speed he suddenly braked. 当汽车高速行驶时,他突然煞车。
- Industries growing at a high speed, efficiency increasing significantly. 二是工业快速增长,经济效益明显改善。
- Current, the period that telegraphic market of home is growing at a high speed. 目前,国内的电信市场正处在一个高速发展的时期。
- The goverment called on the young people to modernize the country at a high speed. 政府号召青年人使国家速度实现现代化.
- To keep the engine running, the airplane or missile rams through the atmosphere at a high speed. 为了使发动机不断地运转,飞机或导弹以很高的速度冲过大气层。
- An atom consists of a nucleus and anumber of electrons, the latter circling round former at a high speed. 原子由一个原子核和若干电子组成,后者以高速环绕前者旋转。
- The pattern of OEM has been the main manufacturing pattern which propels the economy forward at a high speed in China. OEM方式在客观上推动了我国地方经济的飞速发展,成为目前地方制造业中重要的生产经营方式。
- Steered by the westerlies, PODUL has been moving at a high speed in the past 24 hours. 受西风带影响,杨柳在过去24小时以高速向东北移动。
- Lacrosse is a very fast game because the players can catch and pass the ball at a high speed with their sticks. 曲棍球是一个节奏非常快的运动因为球员们用他们的球棒快速击打和传球。
- The automobiles running at a high speed sorely threaten the safety of pedestrians. 马路就像赛场跑道,高速行驶的汽车严重威胁着行人的安全。
- Directly making a program design control to the register and memory in EGA/VGA has characteristics of display at a high speed and overall functions. 直接对EGA/VGA上的寄存器和内存编程控制,具有显示速度快和功能全的特点。
- Its small and skilful machanism is suitable for the mini type SOT-package components taped automatically at a high speed. 同时机械结构设计巧妙、体积小,适用于SOT封装型微小电子元器件的高速自动编带过程。
- This leg mechanism not only applies to the dynamic walking quadruped, but also applies to the multi-legged robot walking at a high speed. 这种腿机构不仅适用于实现动态行走的四足步行机器人,也可适用于高速步行下的多足机器人。
- A sweeping police inquiry on Thursday ruled out a murder conspiracy in Princess Diana's death, saying the chauffeur in the1997 car crash was drunk and driving at a high speed. 星期四,警察的全面调查排除了戴安娜王妃死于他人的阴谋,他们认为1997年的车祸是由于司机酒后以高速驾车导致的。
- Clinton, incumbent US President of US stock market, has already in power for eight years, makes American economy develop eight solid years at a high speed. 现任美国总统克林顿执政已经八年,使美国经济高速发展了整整八年。
- Interest in his paintings is at a high pitch. 他对绘画的兴致很高。