- Some people are never at their best early in the morning. 有些人在大清早从来不是处在最佳状态。
- This was cooperation and democracy at their best. 这是通力合作和民主作风的大发扬。
- The blossoms are now at their best. 花儿正盛开。
- The peach blossoms are at their best now. 桃花正在盛开。
- Our roses are at their best now. 我们的玫瑰花目前正盛开着。
- Dogmas are at their best when nobody denies them. 教条的日子在无人否定它们的时候最好过。
- The flowers in the garden aer at their best. 花园里的花朵盛开着。
- Only the mediocre are always at their best. 惟有普通人总是处于最佳状态。
- This was Torvill and Dean at their best. 这是托维尔和迪安的最隹表现。
- This was Torvill and Dean at their best . 这是托维尔和迪安的最佳表现.
- Some writers are at their best when working to a plan. 一些作者在根据计划工作时是处于最佳状态的。
- Most sportsmen are at their best during their early manhood. 大多数运动员在刚刚成年的时候进入顶峰时期。
- People need to know one another to be at their best. 人们需要相互了解才能达到最诚实的境界.
- Bring along binoculars, to see the clusters at their best. 当然,要看星云最好还是要带上望远镜。
- And there is no doubt that in these books you see these men at their best. 而且毫无疑问,在这些书里,你可以看到这些人正处于他们的最佳状态。
- At their best,such evaluations keep me alert to what works and what does not. 评估搞得好的话,可以提醒我在教学中哪些作法成功哪些不成功;
- At their best, such evaluations keep me alert to what works and what does not. 评 估 搞 得 好 的 话 , 可 以 提 醒 我 在 教 学 中 哪 些 作 法 成 功 哪 些 不 成 功 ;
- Some people are at their best when working to a plan. Working quickly does not improve the quality of the work. 一些人在按计划工作时是处于最佳工作状态的。工作太快不能改进工作质量。
- They are trying their best to maintain sales at their usual rate in these times of poor trade. 在这商业萧条时期,他们正尽最大努力使销售额维持在通常的水平。
- It is the beginning of summer, when spawning dojo have soft bones and are at their best for the table. 初夏,是泥鳅菜肴的时令季节,此时的泥鳅正逢产卵期,骨软味佳。