- The old tyrant was dead of a heart attack at sixty five. 老伯爵死于心脏病发作,终年六十五岁。
- The small car nipped along at sixty miles an hour. 小汽车以每小时六十英里的速度奔驰。
- At sixty he still plays tennis with the best of them. 他六十岁了,可网球打得和别人不相上下。
- A man at sixteen will prove a child at sixty. 十六岁不成人,六十岁不成器。
- Eggs sell at sixty cents a dozen. 鸡蛋1打卖60美分。
- Uncle Zhang got his first grandson at sixty. 张大爷六十岁上得了孙子。
- There are three hundred and sixty five days in a year. 一年有三百六十五天。
- Some men are old at sixty, others are still as lively as crickets in their nineties. 有些人60岁就老态龙钟了,而有些人90岁还性情十分活跃。
- He will start receiving a pensive when he retires at sixty. 当他六十岁退休时,她将开始收受养老金。
- Pari is a sixty five year old woman who lives on the outskirts of Tehran. 六十五岁的老妇人帕丽住在德黑兰城郊。
- I'm afraid he is too old at sixty to be promoted; he has missed the boat. 我看她已经60岁了,恐怕不能提升了,他已错过了机会。
- METHODS: sixty five patients with mediastinal seminomas were performed with open thoracic operation. 方法65例纵隔生殖细胞瘤均行开胸手术治疗。
- He was cycling, as always, with his butt elevated off the seat, his spine inclined at sixty degrees. 他一惯是骑行,屁股在座位上来回跳跃,背部也时高时低,倾斜成不同的角度。
- At sixty, nobody envies you.Instead, everybody rejoices generously, sincerely, in your good fortune. 在六十岁时成功,不但不会有人嫉妒你,反而会由衷地为你的好运感到喜悦。
- That's why your car may not hydroplane at thirty miles per hour, but might at sixty miles per hour. 那就是为什么你的车不要以三十英里每小时的速度水上飞机似的行驶,而是以六十英里每小时的速度行驶。
- Juror can is selected from registered elector who is between eighteen and sixty five year old and who have is resident in the uk for five year. 陪审员可以从登记的选民中挑选,年龄在18 65岁之间,在英国已居住5年。
- Methods:Sixty five patients of colon carcinoma underwent MSCT scan after 2% meglumine diatrizoate enema.An analysis was done in comparison with the postoperative pathology. 方法:65例结肠癌患者用2%25泛影葡胺灌肠后行CT扫描,并与术后病理对照分析。
- At sixty ,I heard them with docile ear.At seventy,I could follow the dictates of my own heart;for what I desired no longer overstepped the boundaries of right . ”2.;子曰:“吾十有五而志乎学;三十而立;四十而不惑;五十而知天命;六十而耳顺;七十而从心所欲不逾矩
- Method:According to CCMD 2 R, sixty five misdiagnosed cases were detected by comparing the different diagnosis between outpatient department and inpatient department. 方法:按照CCMD-2-R诊断标准,对比门诊诊断与住院诊断的差别,检出误诊病例65例。
- Enclosed you will receive first of exchange for $500 at sixty days' sight, with which you will please to do the needful, and credit my account accordingly. 同函奉上面额500美元见票后60日付款的第一联汇票一张,请办理手续取款后,记入我的贷方账户。