- Obese children are at risk to atherosclerosis. 肥胖儿的确有发生动脉粥样硬化的危险。
- This cuts the amount at risk to $1 trillion. 这样的计算将在险总额减少至1万亿美元。
- With our foot already planted within the ASP infrastructure, we set out on behalf of BC to see if their data was at risk to another hosted bank. 利用我们已经在asp基础组织中立足,我们在银行客户(C)表开始,看他们的数据对于其它宿主银行是否有风险。
- The key is to lighten up safely, without putting yourself or others at risk to certain backcountry dangers. 可以尝试着用某个方法克服出现的难题和拓展装备的新功能。
- With a history of strained, pulled, torn and dislocated body parts, Allen is always at risk to get much older in a hurry. 雷阿伦的身体已经禁受了很多蹂躏和创伤,他总是在冒险,让自己变得更老。
- Plot Outline: Defiant young activists take the women's suffrage movement by storm, putting their lives at risk to help American women win the right to vote. 胆大的年轻激进分子发起妇女投票运动,为了妇女的权利将生命置于危险之中。
- Villager costs drop in half: they are easier to replace but people will probably not build more. This should put less at risk to get out in the wilderness. 村民价格下降了一半:他们比较容易被安置,但安置地的人口可能不再生产更多。这可能降低去荒地的风险。
- He saved the child at considerable risk to himself. 他冒着极大的生命危险救了那个孩子。
- It's alarming to think how many people are at risk. 想想有多少人处在危险中,真是令人担忧啊。
- The American overall commander, General Stanley McChrystal, has urged his troops to minimise civilian deaths, even at risk to themselves. 美军总指挥官斯坦利麦克克里斯托催促部队哪怕自己冒着风险,也要减少平民伤亡。
- The disease is spreading, and all young children are at risk. 疾病正在流行,所有的幼儿都有危险。
- The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk. 疾病正在蔓延,所有五岁以下的小孩都有被传染的危险。
- This disease constitutes a serious risk to life. 这种疾病对生命构成了严重的威胁。
- This results in funding risk to the bank. 这会给银行带来资金筹措风险。
- Even dried blood can present a risk to others. 甚至发干的血迹也会给别人带来危险。
- Were those patients now at risk? 那些病人现在是否处于危险之中呢?
- Without appraisal I risk to overpay. 未经鉴定i风险过高。
- He saved three children alive at risk of his life. 他拼命救出了三个孩子。
- No risk to other deliverables is apparent. 对其它工作明显是无风险的。
- Parts of lowland Britain are also at risk. 部分英国低地也面临着同样的危险。