- He killed three flies at one blow. 他一下子打死了三只苍蝇。
- They brought down two enemy planes at one blow. 他们一举击落两架敌机。
- The executioner cut off his head at one blow. 刽子手一刀就把他的头砍了。
- Mother's saintly body like the jade attacked through my eyes at one blow. 母亲,像玉一样圣洁的胴体一下子击穿了我的眼帘。
- A- fter four years,she became a noticeable person at the 17th Olympics at one blow. 四年后,在第17 届奥运会上一下子成了引人注目的人物。
- A- fter four years, she became a noticeable person at the 17th Olympics at one blow. 四年后,在第17 届奥运会上一下子成了引人注目的人物。
- Hai Xi Xi got back into his coachman's original character at one blow from an outstanding folk singer. 海喜喜从优秀的民歌手又一下子恢复了车把式的本来面目,用不能形诸笔墨的语言嘟嘟哝哝地谩骂了一通。
- He knocked him down with one blow of his fist. 他挥拳一击把他打倒在地。
- He knocked them both down with one blow. 他一拳将他们两人击倒。
- He floored his opponent with one blow. 他一拳便将对手打倒在地。
- He lost all his wealth all at one swoop. 他一下子失去了所有的财产。
- Bill knocked him down with one blow. 比尔一拳把他打倒在地。
- The teams are all square at one match each. 这些队在各自参加了一场比赛后不分胜负。
- Swallow a glass of beer at one gulp. 一囗气喝下一杯啤酒。
- The pipe splays (out) at one end. 管子一端呈喇叭形。
- He was at one time so devoted to piano playing. 他曾经那么沉迷于弹钢琴。
- It's better not to attempt too much at one time. 最好不要企图同时干过多的工作。
- With one blow he rammed the nail home. 他一下子就把钉子钉进去了。
- At one time they met frequently. 一度他们经常见面。
- He dispatched the bear with one blow on the head. 他给那只熊当头一击把它打死。