- Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move100 lb./ level at long range. 高等心灵遥控:远距离移动最多100磅/级的物品。
- Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move 100 lb./level at long range. 高等心灵遥控:远距离移动最多100磅/等级的物品。
- Telekinesis. Lift or move 25lb./level at long range. 心灵遥控:远距离移动最多25磅/等级的物品。
- The Enforcer was on a new attack run, firing at long range. 强击机又发起一轮攻势,在远距离上开火。
- The sun was low when the Moray, overhauling the freighters in an end run at long range, submerged. 在远距离尾随的“海鳗号”赶上那些货轮并潜入水中时,太阳已经西斜。
- The sun was low when the Moray, overhauling the freighters in an end run at long range , submerged. 在远距离尾随的“海鳗号”赶上那些货轮并潜入水中时,太阳已经西斜。
- Patriot, I-HAWK, MICA AR, and Buk missiles can now use a loft trajectory when engaging targets at long range. 爱国者,霍克红外型,米卡AR型,以及牛栅导弹可以使用过顶弹道,当探测远程目标时。
- The bipeds began firing at long range, setting the buildings ablaze to drive the prey out for more convenient extermination. 双足兽开始在远处开火,点燃建筑物,好把里面的猎物赶出来,以便屠杀。
- With the Long Range Pistol, a combination of a Looking Glass Rifle and a Gun Chassis, the itinerant assassin can still fire at long range with the comfort of a hand-held pistol! 有了“长程手枪”,由“狙击来福枪”和“枪座”组合而成,游荡的暗杀者手持顺手的手枪依然能进行长射程的射击!
- In recent experiments, Low-Frequency Active (LFA) system has detected submarines at long ranges. 在最近的实验方面,低周波的活跃 (LFA) 系统已经在长的范围发现潜水艇。
- Archers are no longer accurate shooters at long ranges---their art is much decayed. 弓箭手能在原距离精确射击的日子已经过去了---他们的技术下降很快。
- Skill at long range targeting. 关于长距离锁定目标的技术。每级技能增加锁定目标的距离5%25
- Three militiamen were wounded and their comrades not only hesitated to charge Hadji Murad and his men, but dropped farther and farther back, firing only random shots at long range. 三名民兵受伤,对同志负责,不仅毫不犹豫地和他的Murad阿男子但回降越远,只随机枪射击远程。
- At long last a compromise was agreed on. 通过互让最终达成折衷协议。
- Finally, at long ranges, the blast wave becomes essentially a sound wave and its velocity approaches ambient sound velocity. 最后,在很远的距离处,爆震波基本上就变成一种声波,其速度已接近周围的声速。
- I can wait only two hours at longest. 我最多只能等两小时。
- In the first 500m the penetration efficiency was at least equal to the penetration of the 3.7cm L/45 PaK and at longer range the KE felt slightly more rapidly due to the lightweight projectile. 在500米距离上,它的穿甲能力至少也应该与德国的37mmL/45反坦克炮相当,但是它的射速由于使用了更加轻的弹丸可以更高。
- Sustained by you,I, at long last, finished my work. 在你的支持鼓舞下,我终于完成了这部作品,
- They reluct at long and tedious essays. 他们讨厌冗长的文章。
- He can kill a stag at a longer range than anyone else I know. 他能在很远的地方射杀牡鹿,其距离之远,在我认识的人当中,无人可比。