- They have been at loggerheads with the neighbours for years. 他们多年来一直同邻居们不和。
- The neighbors were always at loggerheads with each other. 邻居很常吵架的。
- Don't be at loggerheads with him! He is one track mind, don't you know? 别跟他较劲了!他一根筋,你还不知道?
- The teachers are at loggerheads with the students on how much homework should be set. 老师和同学就应该布置多少课外作业的事,发生了意见分歧。
- His father's will has set him at loggerheads with his brother,ie caused them to quarrel. 他父亲的遗嘱导致了他与弟弟争执起来.
- The students are at loggerheads with the college over the price of food in the canteen. 学生们就食堂饭菜的价格问题和学院争执不休。
- The teachers are at loggerheads with the students's on how much homework should be set. 老师和同学就应该布置多少课外作业的事意见分歧。
- No sooner has she set foot on the market than she finds herself at loggerheads with Mr Fish in the neighboring stall. 同样是卖鱼出身的鱼佬是一个将一生都投资在富贵墟的街市恶霸,面对机灵的阿妙,二人展开生意上的连番恶斗。
- His father's will has set him at loggerheads with his brother, ie caused them to quarrel. 他父亲的遗嘱导致了他与弟弟争执起来.
- The Ecumenical Catholic Church which ordained the men had been at loggerheads with the Vatican over the issue of married priests. 颁布认命这几位牧师的大公天主教会历来在已婚牧师的问题上与梵蒂冈意见相左。
- Syria may be at loggerheads with the West, but there are few places in the world where I have felt safer or more welcome. 叙利亚或许与西方意见不合,但是世界上很少有地方能比此地更令我感到安全或受欢迎的了。
- Companies such as Shell have been at loggerheads with the Nigerian government because the oil companies haven't fully utilized some drilling licenses. 壳牌等石油公司一直与尼日利亚政府关系紧张,因为这些石油公司并未充分利用一些钻探许可证。
- France, which holds the presidency of the EU but has been at loggerheads with Mr Mandelson, said the deal was not acceptable. 与曼德尔森意见不合的欧盟轮值主席国法国表示,该协议不可接受。
- By then, however, the measures the government had already taken had put it at loggerheads with a host of international organisations, including the United Nations. 然而到那时,政府采取的措施可能会与许多国际组织包括联合国发生摩擦。
- The only reason for minding is if the jargon and weak grammar are at loggerheads with the image of your product, or if they make what he is saying hard to understand. 应该注意这些俚语和糟糕语法的唯一理由,是它们是否与企业产品形象不符,或是否使他的话难以理解。
- Mr Stuart and his wife are always at loggerheads. 斯图尔特先生同他妻子老是吵架。
- Mrs Smith enjoys setting people at loggerheads. 史密斯太太喜欢挑拨离间。
- The club today described as “absolute nonsense” reports suggesting that Keegan is at loggerheads with his board over his stance on Barton. 俱乐部今天把报道描述为无稽之谈表明基冈对巴顿的姿态简直是个是个愚蠢的举动。
- Even trivial things can set Arthur and his wife at loggerheads. 即使是鸡毛蒜皮的小事也能使阿瑟和他妻子吵起来。
- Xixia was at loggerheads with the Northern Song Dynasty in the front in Northern Shaanxi,and the confrontation lasted for long,with large troops stationed on the front. 北宋与西夏在陕北一线剑拔弩张,长期对峙,双方在这一线驻有大量部队,并断断续续进行了几十年的战争,民族关系几度紧张。