- John is repairing his model plane at his leisure. 约翰不慌不忙地修理着他的航模。
- I asked him to write me at his leisure. 我叫他方便时给我写信。
- He would go to London at his leisure. 他有空时是会到伦敦去的。
- He enjoys reading at his leisure. 他有空的时候喜欢读书。
- Having disposed of the main opposition, he could polish off the remainder at his leisure. 由于清除了主要的反对派,他可以从容不迫地收拾掉剩下的对手了。
- Having disposed of the main opposition,he could polish off the remainder at his leisure. 由于清除了主要的反对派,他可以从容不迫地收拾掉剩下的对手了。
- He could then have proceeded at his leisure, retaining or removing as suited his plans. 然后,他可以按计划,不慌不忙地保留或撤换人员。
- Retired seven time world champion Michael Schumacher can return to motor sport at his leisure with Mercedes-Benz. 已退役的七冠王迈克尔·舒马赫可以在他的休闲时间参加摩托车运动。
- Example: Sean does not like stamp-collection but only dabbles in it at his leisure. 西恩并不喜欢集邮,只是在空闲的时侯玩一下而已。
- The wolf, having no cause of fear, at his leisure lacerated or destroyed the whole flock. 这只狼肆无忌惮,悠閒且从容的将这群羊吃掉了。
- Enough of these meddling Humans; he would send in his simulagent double to do away with the Tirol base, then consolidate the near stars at his leisure. 他受够了这些多事的人类;他会派遣自己的模拟代理替身去对付泰洛基地,之后再从容地巩固对附近星球的控制。
- He was dismayed at his lack of understanding. 他对自已的无知感到沮丧。
- He neatly fended off a jab at his chest. 他利落地挡开了当胸的一击。
- He read books at his leisure. 他在空闲时读一些书。
- If one wants to, he can take pictures of the reflection of the snow- capped Tianshan Mountains in the clear blue Lake of Heaven or go rowing on the placid waters drinking in at his leisure the beautiful scenery all around. 在这里,你可摄下天池中皑皑雪峰的倒影,也可泛舟于平静的湖面上,陶醉在这绚丽的湖光山色之中。
- The boxer is whaling away at his opponent with both fists. 拳击手用双拳向他的对手连续猛击。
- Being an extremely popular actor in Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, Eric is not only money-grubbing, but is also a big spender.He never maltreats himself at his leisure times. 身为两岸三地影剧圈的重量级小生,孙耀威钱赚的很努力,也花的很用力,完全不让自己的生活馀暇和嗜好,受到任何委屈。
- When he turned round he saw that Robert had arranged the easel very conveniently, and that he had seated himself on a chair before it for the purpose of contemplating the painting at his leisure. 当他转过身来时,他看见罗伯特已经把画架放在十分方便的地方,他已经安坐在画像前的一把椅子里,从容不迫地仔细打量着这幅绘画。
- The Crane, in his turn, asked the Fox to sup with him, and set before her a flagon with a long narrow mouth, so that he could easily insert his neck and enjoy its contents at his leisure. 后来,鹤回请狐狸吃晚饭,他在狐狸面前,摆了一只长颈小口的瓶子,自己很容易地把头颈伸进去,从容地吃到瓶里的饭菜,而狐狸却一口都尝不到。
- The little boy skipped along at his mother's side. 那个小男孩在他母亲身边跳跳蹦蹦地往前走。