- When the water flows into the tub at a greater rate than it is flowing out, what happens? 当水流入浴盆的速度比流出浴盆的速度快时会发生什么情况呢?
- The youngsters ran on at a great rate. 那些年轻人闹得可真起劲。
- at a greater rate than 以比 ... 更快的速度
- They were now far beyond the city limits, and the train was scudding across the Indiana line at a great rate. 他们这时早已远离市区范围,火车正飞速越过印第安纳州界。
- The virtuous ser-vant, Roger Cly, swore his way through the case at a great rate. 那有德行的仆人洛格·克里长篇大论地申说他在本案中的经过情形。
- The virtuous servant, Roger Cly, swore his way through the case at a great rate. 那有德行的仆人洛格·克里长篇大论地申说他在本案中的经过情形。
- But having a strong steerage with my paddle, I went at a great rate, directly for the wreck, and in less than two hours I came up to it. 我以桨代舵,使劲掌握航向,朝那失事的大船飞驶过去。不到两小时,我就到了破船跟前。
- The rich man lent the servant his horse, and he duly set off for Samara at a great rate of knots. 富人把他的马借给了仆人,于是仆人就以极快的速度按时出发了。
- House prices are rising at a higher rate than inflation. 房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。
- Land regions have warmed at a faster rate than the oceans. 陆地的增温速率要大于海洋。
- The car was moving at a great lick. 汽车以高速行驶。
- But the doctor did look like a goat with his gray chin whiskers wagging away at a great rate, and with difficulty she stifled a giggle. 不过,这位大夫下颔上那把不停地摇摆着的灰色胡子,也的确使他像只山羊,她瞧着瞧着便忍不住格格地笑了。
- Since cordite burns at a greater rate at a higher pressure a relief valve must be used to allow generated gas to escape to atmosphere at times when the demand is low. 因为柯达火药在较高的压力下以较高的速度燃烧,所以必须使用一个溢流阀,以便当用气少时,能让所产生的部分气体排到大气中去。
- House price is rising at a higher rate than inflation. 房价比通货膨胀上涨的比率高。
- Men are not merely annihilating themselves at a great rate these days, but they are telling one another enormous lies, grandiose fibs. 从社会的意义上说,自由即是在一种民主的结构中感觉到无拘无束。
- Light liquors are detoxified at a faster rate than dark liquors. 淡色酒水能比深色的酒水能被更快地解毒。
- The ferry came down the river at a great lick. 渡船在河中快速地顺流而下。
- A stream flows at a great speed past the house. 一条小溪从房子旁边奔流而过。
- He chatted on at a great rate. 他滔滔不绝地讲话着。
- This would require paying off the debt at a higher rate than money is borrowed. 这需要还债的速率高于借债的速率。