- asymmetry of zonal advection 纬向平流的非对称性
- This kind of zonal index correlate with westerly of55° N at0.96. 在高指数环流盛行的年份,我国普遍气温偏高。
- Who are Able to Resolve the Asymmetry of Information? 谁能根除信息不对称?
- Symmetry and Asymmetry of the Asian and Australian Summer Monsoons. 亚洲和澳大利亚夏季风的对称和非对称。
- Objective To probe the method correcting asymmetry of the submammary fold. 目的:探讨乳房下皱襞不对称的矫治方法。
- We think the main reason of these is caused by the asymmetry of antonym. 我们认为造成这些失误的主要原因是反义词的不对称性。
- Does my hipbone have asymmetry of amlposition both sides need how operation? 我的髋骨有错位两边不对称了需要怎么手术?
- Does my hipbone have asymmetry of amlposition both sides how to solve? 我的髋骨有错位两边不对称了怎么解决?
- Lian Yanxuan.Quantitation Study of Zonal Indices of Weathered Rocks.Beijing:Earthquake press,1994. [4]廖颜萱.;风化岩分带指标定量研究[M]
- Xin 47 block is a stratified and faulted reservoirs with high reserve abundance,in which the technology of zonal injection development was applied. 辛47断块是一个高丰度的层状断块油藏,采用分层系注水开发。在同套开发井网内,由于受非均质的影响,层间水驱状况不均衡。
- It takes some time to form the phenomenon of zonal disintegration of surrounding rocks with high in situ stress,but the time needed is not too long. 本文阐述了高地应力围岩分区碎裂化现象的形成需要经过一定的时间,但这段时间不会很长;
- Does gender play a role in functional asymmetry of ventromedial prefrontal cortex? 性别是否在额前正中皮质功能的不对称性中起作用?
- In this paper,the mechanism of formation of zonal structures in low-carbon alloy steel and three methods for removing them are introduced. 介绍了低碳合金钢中带状组织形成机理及三种主要的消除或减轻的方法。
- The paper analyses the geologic setting of Tieshan gas field,enforcement case and simulation test of zonal production technology. 文中对其地质条件、技术实施情况及模拟试验进行分析。
- American physicist. He shared a1975 Nobel Prize for discovering the asymmetry of atomic nuclei. 雷恩沃特,利(奥)·詹姆斯1917-1986美国物理学家。1975年因发现原子核的不对称性,获诺贝尔奖。
- These help to estimate the effect of injection,including the quantity of zonal injection and the leakage of injection water well. 评价水井的分层注水效果是油田注水开发动态分析中必不可少的。
- The Sino-US trade imbalance impinges on the asymmetry of global trade liberalization in services and goods. 中美贸易失衡与全球服务贸易和商品贸易在自由化进程上的非对称性紧密联系在一起。
- Based on the conception of zonal method, the total radiant exchange area for flame zone to surface zone of the diesel in-cylinder was derived. 从段法基本概念出发,推得了柴油机缸内火焰段对整个缸壁段的辐射全交换面积计算式,并以此为基础给出了缸内辐射传热的单区段法模型。
- This paper presented the asymmetry of the ITZ by means of the microhardness testing. 利用显微硬度测试技术研究了混凝土界面过渡区的不均匀特性。
- In this essay, we shall briefly introduce their awarded works and the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the Universe. 本文将简要介绍他们获奖的工作,以及与之相关但尚未解决的宇宙的物质-反物质不对称难题。